Human Ethnicity in Edda | World Anvil
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When The Second Cataclysm, the arrival of The Tower, rocketed through Edda, turning the clumps of material and Mana known as Mortal Forms into the flesh progenitors of the races we know in the modern-day, none of them were cut from the same cloth. The different coalitions of Mana had their own individual egos that served to create new and varied personalities, but none were as varied as the beings that would be known as Humans.   Alternatively called Clayborne, Human Mortal Forms were those made of different colored clays and sediment found in the ground. More malleable than hardy stone or thick trees, they were also more fragile, and mana networks would cycle through materials frequently. In the Tower's wake, Humans are one of the shorter-lived races, but they have a sheer variety that is unique to them, along with an almost supernatural sense of determination and endurance, that allows them to live comfortably almost everywhere.   Perhaps it is that reason that much of the early merchant trading was done via human caravans, before the days of modern cross-country communication and communal mingling, connecting cultures and nations together. However, this also created a lack of Human culture until later years with settlers.   It is also most likely this reason that the language of Common became known as the Human language. The truth is that most humans speak a dialect of language known as Magnian, due to it being mainly spoken in the country of Magnum Opus, but as human trade systems began to spread out more, linguistic scholars began to work together to create a conlang that could be partially understood by just about anybody, by taking parts of individual language and sentence structures that melded together to form what is now known as Common: The Merchants Language.   Back on the topic of Humans, in their settler communities, many humans began to foster a culture of momentary appreciation and passing on legacies, since they would burn through their lives quicker than many of the other people in Edda, and wanted more vigorously to leave something meaningful behind.   In the modern Edda, this has been somewhat mitigated, as their legacies are a bit more guaranteed to be recorded now, and the merchant groups are more varied and international, but due to a large number of humans, and how quickly they consider themselves adults and ready to continue the generations, there are more humans than any other race on Edda, except maybe Elves.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Human names will largely stem from wherever they call home, as even with the advent of Common, there are regional dialects and naming conventions, but human names tend to either have simplistic origins, such as what a families main business was, who their forefathers were, or a key factor about where they lived. Additionally, as most Humans are from Magnum Opus, they will typically have Magnian names. (Real Life Equivalent: Germanic, English, or Slavic)


Major language groups and dialects

The language of Common, also known as the Merchants Language that is spoken as a universal language in Edda was mostly started by merchant bands of humans, who wished to find a way to speak to any kind of customer no matter their origin and thus worked with scholars to devise the language by piecing together disparate pieces of their individual language systems.

Shared customary codes and values

Most humans value the small things in life and work to cherish each moment of the day individually. Alongside that, making a mark for one's self, whether it's in their family, hometown, or world at large is a driving factor in many humans' minds.

Art & Architecture

Most Human art is focused on subjects that are a single moment in time, something inspirational and important to the individual. While it can be seen as a bit simplistic and trite, for the artist it's essential to capture the fleeting moment that brought such emotions out and try to capture it as best they can.


Beauty Ideals

Human beauty ideals are mercurial and are not set by one societal standard. Although decorating one's self with signs of success in their given trades are often a sign of self-beauty and something to invoke attention in others, although not strictly beauty.

Gender Ideals

Due to human fragility in general, along with the pain and burdens human women go through in general, typical human families would assign the less directly intensive or dangerous duties to the female members of the household, although that isn't a hard rule in general, especially in the modern-day.

Courtship Ideals

A tradition that started with the merchant humans, giving a gift of high value and importance to ask a partners hand in marriage is a popular trend.

Relationship Ideals

When two humans came together in the olden days, it was seen almost like a business merger was seen in the modern-day, with both sides coming together for the possible benefits, and the collision between the two subjects extended families being an important part of the relationship process.


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