Zilvra Organization in Duvrin | World Anvil
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Zilvra is the ancestral territory of those who used to be called Thalrans (see Thalra), also known as elves. Long ago, their people diverged, splitting their lands, as well as their culture, in half. To the west, close to the Ichor Desert, flourish the massive underground cities of the Under-dwellers. Rooted in ancient elven traditions, their cities are a breathtaking example of living in harmony with nature. Ruled by a group of emissaries chosen from their oldest families, these cities are organized in a communal, yet hierarchical fashion, where newcomers are regarded with suspicion. And though the Under-dwellers might not rely on commerce to exercise their influence, they are however a deep well of magical knowledge and discoveries, both in the ways of arcane and natural. To the east, however, lie the impenetrable jungle and the encampments of what are now known as the Aurora-folk. Not much is known about their civilization, but they are often ignored by powerful forces, who see in them nothing more than a band of roguish elves. Note: The common understanding of ‘Zilvra’ refers to the Under-dwellers’ cities and network; the Aurora-folk’s jungle is only Zilvran out of principle.


Zilvrans live deep beneath the ground, in houses carved within the very rock of their cities. They have conserved their elven traditions through the centuries and keep a close bond with nature, even buried miles underground. Their isolation from the surface and the echoes of their siblings’ betrayal has made them wary of newcomers. Respect in Zilvra, more than anywhere else, takes time. There are few Houses in Zilvra, and though they are not strictly hereditary, you would be lucky to find yourself being adopted by one of them, as they are the only way to access the local life and customs. They are also the keepers of ancient lore, which they guard jealously. In the absence of Gods, they revere the Silken Tree, who stands tall in their sanctuary and is at the center of a good number of traditional rituals. Among them, The Choosing, where the Silken Tree chooses a new emissary among the youngest adults of Zilvra’s Elder Houses.
But the chances of getting chosen are so slim that most Zilvrans don’t bother themselves with political careers, instead becoming farmers, underground explorers, artisans, sages, and druids. And when their day ends, which is very much anytime since day and night cease to exist deep underground, they will gather in their House’s dwelling to play pipe organ, weave, embroider, read, and drink fungi tea.
Geopolitical, Empire
Subsidiary Organizations
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