The Seger Soulmasa Tradition / Ritual in Domen Aria | World Anvil
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The Seger Soulmasa

The Seger Soulmasa, translates to Victory Soul Meal, is an ancient rite and a coming of age ceremony unique to the Rau Zlo dark dwarves.  Every dwarf will partake of this rite as they shed their adolescence and take their place as full members of their dwarven society.  Throughout the various steps of the rite, the dwarves will become stronger and wiser and learn to know themselves.  They become more powerful as individuals and become more powerful as a collective group as well.


Little is known of the origins of the Seger Soulmasa.  It has been thought that after the discovery of the Soul Fire Lichens and the Soul Fire Ink, that the dark dwarves eagerly incorporationed them into their coming of age ceremony.  The addition of these two factors would greatly increase the mental and physical presence of the dwarven society as a whole for those who survived the rite.  Knowing how much the Rau Zlo value toughness, strength, and power, it is easy to see them moving quickly to upgrade the rites and traditions that would benefit their society no matter what other cost may come about.  Over the centuries this has proven to be true as they continuously push their boundaries further and further into unknown lands and uncharted depths.


The journey towards becoming a full member of Rau Zlo society begins in the morning of their birth day. The participants eats a hearty meal prepared by their parents and then chose their favored weapon and are escorted to the edge of the city to meet with the clan elders. The elders remove all of the participants belongings except for the clothes and favored weapon. They sing songs of glory and victory and the promise of a glorious return.   The dwarf is then sent out into the caverns to search for the Soul Fire Lichen. Theses location are usually already known. The participant is expected to endure the dangers and hardships of the travel and seek out the field of lichens. Once there he is expected to find the biggest lichen and stand over it and demand, not ask, that it release a piece of itself to him. The participant will need to inspire it with tales and songs about what he will do with the powers that he gains from it and the great victories that he and his people will have because of the lichens power inside of him. The dwarf must stay there and inspire it until it releases a part of itself no matter how long it takes.    Once a piece of the lichen is released, the participant will bring it back to the clan elders for inspection and begin the next part of the ritual. The elders then bring the participant to the Altar Of Victory in a barren room. Here they will sing songs of victory and then have the dwarf eat the lichen raw and lay on the altar. The lichen is extremely poisonous and will send the dwarf into a hallucinogenic coma. If he awakens he will be hailed as a hero who was victorious in his first battle, death.    During the last part of the ritual the participant is taken to the clan Tetovala, where he chooses his first Soul Sigil. As the clan war artist and tattooist he will begin to create that powerful Soul Fire Tattoo. Upon finishing the tattoo, the participant is presented to the clan elders and his parents as a new member of the dwarven society ready for battle and ready to join the military or contribute in a chosen profession.

Components and tools

Those undertaking the ritual can only bring with them one weapon of choice for the journey.  They will then carry the lichen back home where it will be eaten and finally the Soul Fire Ink will be used by the Tetovala to make the Soul Fire Tattoo.


Friends, family, and clan elders will escort the individual to the edge of the village, where they will sing songs, and wish them well on their journey. The participant must make the journey by themselves no matter how long it may take and they may not return without gathering the Soul Fire Lichen.  Friends, family, and clan elders will again be present for the eating of the lichen during the second part of the ritual.  The last part of the ritual will involve a private session with the clan Tetovala, who will tattoo the new member of the dwarven clan with their chosen sigil.


This ritual takes place on the actual birthday of the individual.
Important Locations
Soul Fire Lichen   
by by makamuki0 from pixabay adjusted by me


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