Deemor's Realignment Myth in Didome | World Anvil

Deemor's Realignment

The water in the hot spring called Samin's reflection is said to be in perfect alginment with Samin and thus able to cure any illness and even reverse the effects of aging. This was ancient belief about the pool, but the most famous story about its curative powers is the story of how the water religned the prophet Deemor Darmin curing him of his illness and aligning him so closley with Samin that he literally became Samin.


The myth details the sickness of the prophet Deemor Darmin after he fell from a Shardreck and broke his leg. While the leg healed he was left with chronic fatigue and weakness. Since Sickness in Saminism is seen as a moral failing, his condition was shaking the faith of the new religion. Deemor then had a vision from Samin that he needed to be immersed in the hot spring Samin's reflection at Durbarrak. He claimed this would realign his aspects and he would regain his health.   After being immersed in the pool, his skin took on a pinkish hue for several days but he is said to have been cured. He is said to have paraded triumphantly around Durbarrak before going to the temples on the Gran Pillar. He is said to have to been so closely aligned to Samin that he had many revelations about the nature of the aspects of Samin. For almost a full day he issued revelations about the aspects. It is said that during the Saminset on 3884 he was so aligned with all the aspects of Samin that he physical body disappeared he became part of Samin.

Cultural Reception

This story is one of the central stories in Gran Saminism showing how even the prophet can fall out of alignment and how through healing and prayer one can be cured. The story is often told in church services and as parts of sermons.   However, some priestesses of Barsaminism have suggested that the whole account is made up and does not reflect the truth. Instead they suggest that he suffered from Herms Rot and the whole cure and achieving perfect alignment with the aspects is simply a cover to hide his illness and death.
Prophet Deemor Darmin by Cory Brooke-deBock
Date of Setting
Some say a geyser is Didomes reallignment with Samin by Hans

Cover image: Realingmnet of Deemor by KZeni


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