Hotel Royale Building / Landmark in Darmoria | World Anvil
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Hotel Royale

Cover image created by DMStretch
Unknowingly built over the site of an ancient abandoned temple, the Hotel Royale is currently owned by Darius La Vaucheré and is now an inn and gambling hall. Darius had no idea when he purchased the place of the troubles the site would bring but that is another story for another time.   The building itself, while not top class is quite a classy establishment in a very ornate, baroque styled building. But deep below lies a secret long lost to the ages. Back in the Third Era this site was home to a temple dedicated to the vampiric deity Myranthis, Goddess of Snakes. Her temples were notoriously guarded by the creatures known simply as the Guardians. Large monsters that were a strange amalgamation of a large human torso with the lower body of a snake but these monsters grew to be between 15 and 20 feet in length. They retained the reptilian musculature, which when taking their size made them very strong indeed.   This temple was abandoned and left to ruin after the downfall of the vampires and after time it was forgotten about but there are those that hide in the shadows that still remember, even after all this time. They wait, biding their time till an opportune moment for them to rise once more.   Unwary patrons that now enter the Hotel Royale risk finding themselves stay much, much longer than they had originally planned as a powerful and long forgotten arcane force of a bygone age controls holds power over the unfortunate ones that venture here. The building seems to be affected by some bizarre magic that lays in wait for some unsuspecting traveller, shifting to an alternate dimension once the trap is sprung. Hidden in the depths of the ancient, abandoned temple far beneath is an enemy long though wiped from the world, waiting patiently for it's time to reveal itself and unleash it's fury upon the world.


The newer, two story premises of the Hotel Royale has a stone architecture reminiscent of that of several decade before it's time, built specifically to encompass a retro look. This being vastly different to the original building of the site, now hidden deep beneath the ground on which the current place stands. Upon entry, a visitor is graced with one large open space designed for entertainment, nourishment and the many games of chance popular of the area, especially the gambling game of dice known locally as Bracht.

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