The Harmony Pools Building / Landmark in Dálnaes | World Anvil

The Harmony Pools

All major cities in Kaer Thalion have at least one large public bath house, but the yladun in the capital are famous throughout the empire. The pools are fed by natural hot springs, and the waters are said to have magical restorative properties. Mages insist that there is nothing magical about them, but the belief persists, and the pools remain crowded day and night.  
The Harmony Pools were discovered by the same settlers who founded Durleik, located within a lush grove about an hour's walk from where the first houses were being built. At the time, travelling to the nearby river to bath was dangerous due to the predators that called the river home, and the hot springs offered a much safer alternative. The water was too hot for animals to drink, but still cool enough not to burn bathers. After some time, people realized that regularly bathing in the springs helped their skin recover from the sharp winds that blew in from the desert and savannah, and the rumor of their mystical healing properties began.   As the settlement grew into a city, the well-worn path leading to the pools was expanded into a road. Sandstone walls were built around the grove where the pools were located to help protect and provide privacy to bathers, and stone benches were added to give them places to lounge outside of the pools if desired. Today the structure has expanded into a complex with courtyards for games and relaxation, steam rooms where mulani provide massages or hair treatment, and even a dining pavilion.  
The imperial family has gone to great lengths to preserve the pools' original environment. Though the grove is surrounded by walls and small canopies have been installed to provide shade for bathers, most of the human enhancements have gone into the rest of the complex. The pools themselves are meant to provide what their name implies, harmony to any who seek to enjoy them.  
Healing Properties
Though the pools provide no magical benefit, soaking in the mineral-laden water has been proven to provide numerous benefits. Regular bathers claim to have healthier skin, hair, and overall feel more relaxed and able to enjoy life. Healers and alchemists can purchase water from the pools to use in their treatments - for a hefty price. And though no one has proven the presence of magical properties, imperial mages still study the waters regularly.
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Submitted as part of Summer Camp 2021.

My Summer Camp 2021 Pledge 


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