The Red Forest, Ukraine Geographic Location in Cyberfei | World Anvil

The Red Forest, Ukraine

The Red Forest (Ukrainian: Рудий ліс) is an uninhabitable forest surrounding the Chernobyl Power Plant, so named after the ginger-brown colour of the vegetation when it was killed by the radiation following the Chernobyl disaster.   Due to the high levels of radiation that remain in the area, no humans can survive there, but the unique biodiversity there has created a safe haven for all kinds of animals and fae. This is a double-edged sword however, as the fae developed there have been corrupted by the radiation absorbed by the land and become Berdulets, wild and untamed.   The forest therefore has become a no-entry zone. Humans and fae alike are not permitted to enter and explore its landscape due to the incredible levels of danger there. The pink-eyed fae who do live there are often twisted and tainted by the radiation and solitude combined, and often pray on other fae as well as humans for food and entertainment.


While humans and fae alike are allowed to tour certain parts of the forest with supervision, the majority of tourists visits have ended since the Uprising. Most are aware of the strange, Pink-Eyed Elves who live there, and this combined with the recent reconstruction efforts have discouraged many from visiting.   Some do still enter the forest, however, usually in search of scrap metals and other resources, and while it isn't illegal it is certainly discouraged -- many have been known to go missing within its confines, and few are recovered due to the danger of searching for them. Remaining on the outskirts and more lightly radiated areas of the forest is generally safer if one is to explore, and signposts have been erected around the deeper parts of the forest to warn trespassers of the dangers of exploring there.
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Cover image: by Chris Spencer-Payne


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