The agreement of the races Document in Corrigenda | World Anvil

The agreement of the races

At the end of the "Unending War", an agreement between the nations was drawn up by Servalin. Though this was never written it did stipulate that there would never again be such a conflict. All the nations agreed upon mutual survival and cooperation. Even though each race had carved out lands of their own, the other races were permitted to settle in these lands.   The dragons had taken to the high mountains where there was little animal life and needed hunting grounds. These were gifted to them as specific territories in the lands of the others on condition that herds of livestock would be sacrosanct. The dragons agreed to this specifying that any herd without a tender would be considered fair game for consumption.   The Fae had chosen to move their lands out of the material realm and thus were not in need of much. They did acquiesce to allowing others to travel their realm with the knowledge that they risk being removed from time for the duration.   The humans, having a large population were spread across most of the arable lands and thus had almost no need of anything from the other races.  Whereas they would welcome any knowledge the others were willing to share.  From the dragons history, and from the Fae instruction in the mystical arts.
We have all the respective leaders of the races here. I as the representative of the Druid order vow to use my order to maintain peace and harmony throughout the lands of Corrigenda. Though the Fae have declined the invitation to join the order, their reasoning I can respect, they are willing to abide by this agreement and its enforcement by the Druids. This agreement will be long standing until the dissolution of the order. No race may war to the genocide of another race. Any race which finds its very exsistence threatened may call upon the order to preserve it.
— Servalin Grand Druid at the historical ending of the "Unending War" 9 OTO
Oral Tradition / Word of Mouth


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