Gabriel Silken Blade Character in Colossus | World Anvil

Gabriel Silken Blade

An elf of nightshade blue skin and hair of many colours. Lying is easy, telling stories even easier.   However with Gabriel its more, its deeply fun, exciting, addictive. To control another's action with nothing more than a word or two, there is something they find intoxicating about it.   Pushing people away came swiftly and easily. But Gabriel didn't care. It was easier on your own. Not having to rely on others to confirm the lies and manipulations.   It meant they could swan around knowing only they knew the truths to the lies they had spread about Ebendorf, a city they have come to call home, at least for now.   Laying in the shadows and whispering was never their style, as useful as it could be the real high was doing it in plain sight with the light of day giving one no where to hide.   Courts, expensive parties, taverns and even those commoners travelling the road. All smiled and nodded as Gabriel spun lies and tales filled with inaccurate truths.   For those looking in from the outside its difficult to see what the goals are, if any at all.   One thing that Gabriel cannot hide is their love for Lady Ikeeku of the Vae. The heart they both share is unbreakable, and both their greatest strength and weakness   Having nothing and no one leant into their plans. To live among the lies, challenging folks to be smarter than them.    But Ikeeku broke through the mist and shadows. Pierced the heart, saving their life along time ago. The beauty of her voice, the strength of her soul rocked Gabriel   Ebendorf was demoted to the second spot in their heart. But this meant concentration was under threat. Gabriel had to be on it all the time, not giving the knives in the dark a chance of finding out they had taken most of their wealth through deceit


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