The Shapers Organization in Chimera D10 | World Anvil

The Shapers

Heroes Guild is not the only organization which aids other smaller powers in enforcing the law and seeking justice. The Shapers are an alliance of people who seek to fight corruption whether within civilization or as the magical disease which affects all life.   Initially founded on the belief that no person or group of people should live in fear, the Shapers were dedicated knight-errants whose sole purpose was to voluntarily and freely guard those who were vulnerable or had the potential to be taken advantage of. They were known to walk with pilgrims to sacred sites, act as watchmen or guards for small villages, and to seek out cures for impossible conditions that corruption caused. They also were known to insert themselves in political matters to work for the rights of small towns and villages against encroaching powers. This is how they got their start.   This is what lead to the Shapers assisting The Heroes Guild in their war against the Carrion Crown. Even when The Heroes Guild regained power, the Shapers stepped away from their efforts as would-be heroes and instead became researchers within the field; they began to study monsters, study corruption--all to advance the field of heroism. They also focused on civilization as a whole and brought forth an upsurge of lawyers. While Heroes could still be the rascals the world at times thought them to be, with how they meddled and kept the gate between the monstrous and the human, The Shapers are who supported them in their endeavors, becoming much more involved in the aspects of humanity.   This lead to further collaborative efforts between The Heroes Guild and the Shapers in the creation of the Sophia, an antiquary of magical and ancient artifacts that would be guarded and kept as an almost sacred library, a font of knowledge that, while not generally accessible to the public, would safeguard and further record the history of Tara.   The current leader of the Shapers, Rao Iskandr, has thus maintained this influence and power by acting as a kind of peace corps for Tara. Efforts have gone to curing The Petrifying Disease, seeking the means to lessen and cure corruption, to preserve languages, and record and structure laws.  
We’re just as meddlesome. I don’t think we deserve special treatment. We’re just as much adventurers as those under Lady Astrashiy. We only appear better because, somehow, fighting monsters has become less valued even if we’ve found no way to completely cull those beasts. -- I’m a simple lawman. I seek what is right for the people, yes, but we shouldn’t forget those who stand between you and the true monsters out there.
Guild, Professional

Cover image: Art Chimera by Madeline M


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