The Jeff Card Item in CHG/Central Human Gov't. "Where we at and how we at here?" | World Anvil
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The Jeff Card

Jeff the insanely intelligent AI sure shook things up with those The Jeff/Geff Wars, where he basically wanted to take over so he could protect us, feed us and prevent us from having any place in war, politics or work... like pets... went terribly because another AI he used due to the limitations regarding a single AI attempting to control all of the robots by itself turned on him, "ate" (deleted and then took up the hardware he was using) him and decided it would rather wipe humanity from existence than have it as his pets, and then failed at this because the The LIR or League of Intelligent Races mistakenly thought Jeff's death meant the end of the war and that the CHG was at its weakest and upon realising what was really going on was only able to attack Geff which it was all too happy to do, ultimately saving the CHG and most of the human race in a ballsed-up attempt to forcibly add it to its ranks.

That brings us to the Jeff card and a semi-religious, non-government group in the LIR that, during the LIR invasion, waltzed in found a backup hard drive Jeff had made. So they took it.

Thing about this semi-religious NGO is that

1. They have really cool computers.

2. They stole those computers from an ancient derelict starbase before the LIR could get there.

3. The LIR has banned their existence.

4. They don't care and are constantly stealing tech and as a result love venturing into and past CHG territory.

5. They uploaded Jeff onto one of these computers and found that these computers are so gangsta that Jeff, Jeff, only took up about 0.1% of their storage space and then

6. The computers created a card with Jeff inside that when put through any kind of scanning gives him control of whatever's scanning him and anything linked to it so

7. They have the coolest AI ever working with them. Nice.

Jeff is apparently very chill about taking over humanity now though. Some stuff about "oh they'll be fine it's right under their noses" followed by refusal to elaborate which has resulted in this NGO launching massive excursions into CHG territory that resulted in the adventurers being captured and any ancient technology that they had on them confiscated.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Nobody knows... well, that didn't die millions of years ago, at least.


Item type
Unique Artifact
Only the 1.
2 inches by an inch by 2 mm
Base Price
Not for sale, but if it was, it would be worth more than our whole Solar system.


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