Golam Provinces Geographic Location in Charron | World Anvil

Golam Provinces


The western shores of the Inner Sea are the Golam (Golam) Provinces and the wildlands beyond. In the north the land is taiga and wetlands turning to temperate rainforest and desciduous forests in the south. The steep and ragged Beast mountains rise within 100 miles of the sea, climbing to 8000 to 9000 ft elevations, and are followed by grassland and forest lands in the great valley that gives way to the Western mountains (4000- to 6000 ft elevation) and the wild coast beyond. In the southwest corner of the Inner Sea the forests give way again to wetlands and the realms of the Lizardkings (Octnon )
Near the middle of the Provinces can be found the Arfran Bridge - a natural stone arch over the Hlirallari river. In the north is the Rainbow Wall - a cliffside drop of a thousand feet washed by a waterfall and stone in a rainbow spectrum of colors.


It is said that the first Golam arrived and set stones marking their lands. They fought the Beastmen  and Elder Gods at first but eventually took up worship of the Elder Gods and abandoned the Old Gods who had less influence in these lands.
  For centuries before the rise of the Empire the Golam people worshiped the Elder Gods, local deities who live under the earth. They have battled against, captured and enslaved the primitive Beastmen tribes - human bodied mutants with animal heads and feet, clawed hands and frequently tails. They are simple minded wild barbarians ruled by Skinchanger werebeasts. Very very rarely the beastman condition and breed is infectious by bite.
The Golam Noble clans battled for territory without any high rulers, united by region against outside Clans and families. Regional Clan Lords (Fins) ruled by a Chief, Han aristocrats/ petty nobles and Bladesworn and Tackers over common landsmen. Transcending the Clan nobles,  sworn men and Family divisions are the commoner's Collegia (guilds). Collegia are rented lands in Crofts/ crafter villages for buildings, shops and providing for the Collegia. The Collegia Of Sheafs (agriculture, miller, bakers), Threaders (tailors, weavers, flickers, felters), Collagia of Dyes and Inks, Collegia of Quill (scribes & scholars, accountants and clerks), The Collegia of flat hand (laborers, tenant farmers). Collegia of Ores (Miners, metal workers).
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)

Cover image: https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/ by mutterwolf


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