Crown Prince/Princess of Isendree Rank/Title in Carina | World Anvil
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Crown Prince/Princess of Isendree

The title of Crown Prince or Princess is given to the chosen heir of the ruling King of Queen. Before an heir is chosen or of age to take on their duties, an aunt or uncle acts as a regent and takes care of these responsibilities. This person also acts as the Crown Prince or Princess assistant and teacher once they take charge of their duties.


The requirements for this title often change from monarch to monarch, because one king/queen will have different expectations for his heir than another will. Because of this, although it is usual, one does not necessarily need to be the child of the King/Queen to be eligible for this title.


Heirship in Isendree is different from the traditional heirship, where the eldest son will be the heir regardless of ability or how many other siblings he has. In Isendree the reigning monarch can choose their heir. Technically they can be chosen out of anyone but traditionally it is one of the monarch's children. Accordingly, the recipient of the title Crown Prince or Princess is first announced by the current monarch. This title is then placed upon the recipient during a coronation ceremony, much like that of a king or queen. The main difference between this coronation and the aforementioned comparative is that the coronation for Crown Prince or Princess is smaller, of less significance, and is less expensive, although it is still quite expensive.


The Crown Prince or Princess's main duty is to act as an Ambassador for the People to the King. They do this by meeting with lesser nobles who inform them what the people in their areas need. After compiling this list, he or she works out what should be a priority and what can wait for the longest and then present this to the King/Queen for their consideration.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
His/Her Royal Highness
Alternative Naming
The Ambassador of the People
Source of Authority
The King/Queen of Isendree
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