Let's Kill Hitler ! - The Game Homepage | World Anvil

Let's Kill Hitler ! - The Game

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Welcome to Let's Kill Hitler!

This site will provide you with all the information you need to complete your mission, as well as completely useless and inept details which you won't need at all but we had a good laugh writing.
We sincerely hope that you will have as much fun playing our game than we had designing it.
Having grown in the 80s-90s, with our main references being Mel Brooks, Monty Python (and most recently Rowan Atkinson and Mitchell & Webb) but also Indiana Jones and John Carpenter movies, we wanted to make a game which would capture the spirit of this period: deeply humorous, acid and sarcastic, but kind.
So, if you are yourself British, French, American, Russian, German or even, God forbids, Tirolean, please don't be offended, as this is nothing but a big joke.
FYI, nationals of all these countries (and several others) have partipated into the creation of this game, and none of them was harmed during the process!
While playing, the most historically versed amongst the audience might notice that, despite all our efforts, considerable budget and the involvement of numerous experts of this period, a few minor historical inconsistencies, ranging from widespread anachronism, complete disdain for facts, dates and characters accuracy to total lack of realism, the whole providing quite a painful experience from a cognitive standpoint, do indeed remain.
Please keep your comments for yourselves, or if you cannot resist send an email to our careless and undedicated do not care about customers service: thisaddressdoesnotexists at wontreadwhatyoujustsent.com (and yes, we know that beerfest is not Austrian, and that Tiroleans do not dress like Bavarians, thank you!).
Now, time to have fun, and to play Let's Kill Hitler!

What is it all about?

Of course the mainstream historians have been covering this up, but it is a well known and established fact in some very well informed circles that early 1942 the Allies, fearing the seemingly unstoppable advance of Axis forces, attempted a last resort mission.
Their plan was audacious but simple: thanks to recently uncovered ancient alien technology, they would send their best agents back in time, to the place and on the day of Adolf Hitler's birth: Braunau Am Inn, on the twentieth day of April, 1889.
However, the German's B.O.R.I.N.G. service (Bureau of Occult Research for the Improvement of Nazi Germany) got knowledge of the Allies' plan and quickly reacted, by diverting its best men from mission critical assignments (such as experimenting whether or not telekinesis could be used to fetch the newspaper in the mailbox and if it was possible to do so still bearing pyjamas AND slippers) in order to send them back in time in Braunau, on the same date.
Due to the fact that the nazis were also in possession of ancient alien technology (but the right one, originating from pure ancient aryan aliens and not from these filthy judeo-bolchevik aliens with an inferior technology of course) they managed to arrive slightly earlier on location than the Allies and to exfiltrate baby Adolf and his parents.
Still, they had no time to complete their task, which was to evacuate the whole extent of Hitler's ancestors. From this moment, the standoff with the Allies was inevitable.
Let's Kill Hitler recreates, with a luxury of details, the epic and fierce confrontation which occurred on that day and changed our world forever.

So what is it you doing here exactly?

As a leader of one of the factions (Allies, Axis or Neutrals), you will have to complete your mission by achieving a number of faction-specific goals. Or you can just go the "maximum mayhem" route, and do whatever goes through your mind without caring for the consequences. Again, nothing else matters but having fun!
This site is packed with information allowing you to discover the factions at play and their specific assets, abilities and goals, understanding the rules of the game and discovering its main characters: the gentle people of Braunau.
We wish you a good reading, and good luck in your endeavours!

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