Rasquites Species in Black Snow | World Anvil
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Rasquites are the size of a pony, harbor 10 limbs of which they use 6 for scuttling, 2 for spinning silk out a hind spinnerette, and 2 large scythes which they would use for protection and digging were they not cropped and regularly sanded at the nub for safety and to prevent regrowth. The sythes are sold at a venerable price as they will cut through most forms of difficult vegetation, and are usually employed for clearing tangles and wilds for farmland. Rasquite ranchers require a licensed hatchery, and ample acreage to rais them in. Rasquites devour vegetation with an unfinicky hunger that would be terrifying if they were not such slow and difficult breeders.   Kept for the high quality silk chording they spin daily, and the lengthy fur grown on thier backs, as well as the shield-worthy hard shell plate on their bellies, the meat of the Rasquite is akin to shrimp, lobster, or crab depending on the body part harvested. The brain is frozen for a delicacy eaten by the exceptionally wealthy and highest-ranking nobility and royalty. The health benefits of eating the brain are wildly rumored, and so far have no scientific backing or basis. Some nutritionists proclaim that it is actually mildly toxic, and if consumed in large quantities can lead to paranoia, fits of anger, and obesity. Most of the time the organs are usually dried and sold as a fire starter, as the fats contained within are a very clean-burning source of oil as well.   Their round heads support three compound dome-protrusions for eyes, mandibles that are usually shortened at birth by a stunting binder, and a muscular build. Their mild temperaments and skittish ways make them easy for ranching, though terrible for mounts. As they prefer a sideways scuttle over forwarding or backward movements, this rules them out as viable mounts or cart bearers for most. They are great at scaling walls, with their hoary feet hooks, so they are also employed by mines and mountaineering folk for transport and pack animals.

Basic Information



Genetics and Reproduction

Asexual reproduction resulting in 5 egg clutches every 6 months for the domestics, and 2 egg clutches for wild varieties.

Growth Rate & Stages

Egg, larva, pupae, adult

Ecology and Habitats

Wild ones are found in cliffside colonies around the Solarian Ocean

Dietary Needs and Habits


Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Can "smell doom" a lurkin'
Scientific Name
Riskavertus Mosquitous
Solarian Ocean adaptations
Conservation Status
Green, common
Geographic Distribution


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