Creed of Unity Document in Black Snow | World Anvil
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Creed of Unity

This document is drafted and articulated between unicorns and groups of peoples who wish to ally themselves with the unicorn herd. It is magically notarized in order to bond the peoples to the unicorns so that if either side ever breaks the bond the contract will alert the side affected by the betrayal. The unicorns will not form a pact without the document being notarized, and there is no redemption to any who break the creed. In this, once done, the two are bound together so long as any alive during the signing who are involved and included, still lives. Death is the only acceptable way out of the bond.   Some cultures have committed mass suicide to release themselves of the creed rather than face the Herd Hunters. The geish of the enraged unicorns is not well met by many. Others, on very rare occasions, have slaughtered entire tribes of unicorns, and persist in waging a war against them until their own fall. Not everyone enjoys the repercussions of an eternal binding to a force that places its self above their own laws.   Other cultures have thrived under the creed, celebrating the signing day with renewals of the pact and great pomp. With aplomb, they savor the unity like ambrosia or life its self. These cultures will gladly aid in the wars against what they view as traitors to all with a fanatic and even zealous fervor. They fill ranks in the Herd Hunters alongside their unicorn brethren and rejoice in the fall of opposing forces. Naturally, they reap most of the spoils, since the unicorns have no real need for what is left behind by their fallen enemies.   Since each peoples to undergo the creed hold different values and needs to each other, the unicorns only have a few basic universal requirements, and the rest is hashed out between the officials in person leading up to the signing and notarization.  
  1. No unicorn is ever to be slain by a person or persons of the ally group
  2. No unicorn is ever to come to harm from such listed in one, nor to be slain or harmed while in the lands of the pact holder
  3. No unicorn, save exiles, is ever to be turned away by the pact holder. Exiles are to be exiles of all pact holders as well, without failure.


For the unicorns, it is self-preservation of their kind. For the pact holders of the creed, it can be anything the unicorns are willing to abide.
Decree, Governmental
Signatories (Organizations)


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