The Divide Geographic Location in Axeram | World Anvil
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The Divide

"This place betwixt all realms is often said to keep them separated and prevent their collide. Though when used it acts more like a hub for city carts. One central location from which all can be accessed. Little is truly known about the intricate workings of the Divide, but I would argue that it less of a divide between realms and rather the link that holds everything together." - A History of the Known Realms - by Kalrezan Yindali.


The Divide is a realm that exists in the space between realms but also exists over them. No matter where you are the Divide is present. Though unobservable to most without the use of magic when the traveller is primarily in another realm. Out of all the realms the Divide has remained the most enigmatic for scholars, as it ignores the physics which govern Axeram and its surrounding realms. The main difference is that distance is completely irrelevant. Where someone to use the Divide as a median to travel through, a journey that would normally take 3 days might take 3 hours and vice versa. Due to this it is possible to travel across the entire surface of Axeram almost instantly, though there is equal risk of it taking longer too. This unreliability makes travel through the Divide to be a last resort and is mostly avoided by all.  


The physical appearance of the Divide is completely different from that of any other realm as it looks more akin to a dull painted landscape than reality. It is also noted that the landscape present int he Divide when viewing it from another realm often vaguely resembles the natural distant landscape that surrounds the viewer, though shrouded in a thick fog that blocks most sightings of the area. Another strange aspect of this realm that puzzles scholars is that their is light within the realm but no observable source. Most who have journeyed into the Divide before have stated that it's appearance is mind altering and feels fake, or crafted by hand.
"Each time I've travelled into the Divide, my mind begins to ponder the existential. To walk in a landscape that appears as though crafted by hand begs many questions to mind. The easiest way I can describe it is to say that it looks much like concept art drawn by an artist as they plan their final piece. Is this perhaps the true nature of the Divide. Was this realm the draft of reality? If so, who was the artist behind it? " - A History of the Known Realms - by Kalrezan Yindali.
  Due to it's appearance many artists aspire to visit the Divide for inspiration. Some even view it as a spiritual journey and consider it to be visisting the birthplace of all art.  

Flora & Fauna

The Divide is almost devoid of life, though there are a few species of creatures and plants that have found their home within the desolate realm. The creatures themselves often have transparent skin with their internals vividly on display, not unlike some creatures found in the depths of oceans. The plants within the Divide are generally considered as some of the more exotic amongst the realms as they take on strange shapes and luminescent colours that perpetually shift. It is unknown what sustains these species as there is no evident food source or discernible source of light.  


Whilst the landscape of the Divide vaguely resembles the other realms when observed from them; there is only one known location that exists in the Divide between realms. A lone mountain exists within the realm, commonly referred to as The Shattered Peak. The true nature of the mountain is only speculated upon but most believe it correlates to one of the craters on Deravos. Despite this though there are only alleged sightings of different locations with no solid proof.


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