Titanborn Species in Aventyr | World Anvil
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"They hum or chant in sonorous tones and move slowly or sit in perfect stillness. If provoked to action, Titanborn are true terrors—bellowing with rage, trumpeting and flapping their ears. Their serene wisdom, fierce loyalty, and unwavering conviction are tremendous assets to their guilds. Titanborn believe that the members of a group have a responsibility to look out for each other. Once they have joined a guild or bonded with other individuals in any capacity, Titanborn devote themselves to maintaining that bond. They coordinate their efforts and are often willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the group. They expect reciprocal loyalty and commitment from the other members of their communities and can be severe in their disappointment when their trust is betrayed." - from the memoirs of madame Gentry.

Basic Information


Titanborn tower above most other humanoids, standing over 7 feet tall. They have the heads—trunks, tusks, ears, and faces—of elephants, and hulking bipedal bodies covered by thick, leathery skin. Each of their hands has four thick digits, and their feet are the flat-bottomed, oval-shaped feet of elephants. Like that of an elephant, a Titanborn trunk is a useful appendage. In addition to providing a keen sense of smell, the trunk can be used to lift and carry even heavy objects. The trunk can be used to carry both food and liquid to the mouth and can even act as a snorkel.

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