Flash Item in Aventyr | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

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"Imagine being able to experience someone else's mind. To have them shape their thoughts for you to understand precisely. It's more than that though... You can share emotions and sensations, too. I can see why this substance can be so addictive. Think of all you could learn by spending days in the trance but only seconds in actual life." - from the journals of Old Jass 

Mechanics & Inner Workings

It can be purchased for 1 gold note per hour per user. It works by dripping a single drop of fluid into the eye of all who wish to join in the construct. You are then unconscious, your mind is transported to a mental realm which you can control with thought. All those who take the drug are sent to the same realm and can shape it as they wish. While the experience lasts a full hour, the body is only a sleep for a few seconds. You can take up to twelve doses at once, doing so increases the experience an hour per dose but you still only remain unconscious for the same period.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine

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