Orela's Prophecy Myth in Arrasgoth | World Anvil
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Orela's Prophecy

There is one prophecy in Arrasgoth that surrounds the fate of the fey that is wildly known amongst those who live in the feywild. This prophecy was foretold on the birth of the third child of King Finch, Prince Iwan. On the day of his birth, a fey seer, Orela, spoke to the King and passed on the prophecy that she had foreseen:  
'When Three Blood Princes Stand Before An Unseelie Throne,
The Fate Of The Fey Will Forever Be Sewn.'


On the birth of his third son, King Finch asked his seer, a fey eladrin elf known as Orela, to tell him what the future held for his youngest. She had not given anything for the previous sons, her prophecies normally only being that of a world-altering prophecy. When she attended him and his son, she was overtaken by her power and the prophecy was passed on.   King Finch feared what this might mean for the fate of the fey, especially considering it involved the Unseelie Throne. To make sure this would not come to pass, he made sure there was no contact for his sons and the Unseelie Court, as well as keeping them as seperate from each other has he could muster.   It seemed fate already had that in play as his eldest disappeared from the fey to live on the material plane, and his middle child was cursed to forever be with a travelling circus he had no control over. His youngest remained at court and was largely left to his own devices.

Historical Basis

There is a root of actual history involved with this prophecy, particularly within recent months since the start of the current civil war in Arrasgoth.   Due to the involvement of The Beacons of Hope, the current ruler of the fey was also a prince of the Unseelie Court. King Finch also had three sons that are blood related so could be the three princes mentioned in the prophecy.   Orela has not been seen herself since the passing of the prophecy and many fear she was killed out of fear of what else she might pass on but this is not confirmed.


The prophecy is very common knowledge in the fey courts, particularly by those who knew the princes, Orela and King Finch. However, outside of the courts of the fey, the prophecy is pretty much non-existent. They deemed it was better to keep it hidden for fear of what the common populace might have thought. The prophecy is not known amongst those in the material plane.

Variations & Mutation

Though there are no variations on what the prophecy states, there are variations on when the prophecy received. Some believe it was actually given to King Finch on the birth of his first son, some on the second, and some believe that it was actually given to King Finch before any of the children were born.

Cultural Reception

The fey court has been wildly affected by this prophecy since it was told and many have their own views on what the prophecy means, though none of it can be confirmed as Orela has disappeared or died. There are two main schools of thought amongst the fey court over what this prophecy mean.   The first school of thought is the idea that the princes of this prophecy will choose a fate for the fey, hence the symbolism of a throne, though the Unseelie part is often ignored in this section. There is discussion over whether this is a good or bad thing, but due to the vague nature, it is unclear. This 'school' believes that the three princes are the catalyst of what happens, and that they either claim the throne or destroy it.   The second school of thought is the idea that the 'blood princes' are the three sons of King Finch, whether by full blood or half. They believe that the brothers will either be at each other's throats, each wanting the throne and starting a war through the fey, or that they will unify the fey together under their one banner.   No one is clear on what this will mean for the fey.
Orela's Prophecy AI Generation by Midjourney
Date of First Recording
200 BTU


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