Omes, God of the Tempest Character in Arrasgoth | World Anvil
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Omes, God of the Tempest

Omes is the God of Tempest and the child of Govlous, God of Life and Ira, Goddess of Death. He is one of the gods of the Arrasgoth Pantheon. Omes is one of the only two gods in the pantheon that were born biologically rather than created or ascended. He took over the nature side of destruction from his parents.   He does care about nature, but his constant rivalry with his sister, Tasdia, Goddess of Nature has led him create the destructive forces of nature to affect his sister's creations. He does not appear in mortal form but will whisper in the storms to pass on his messages.   He is neutral in alignment, like the majority of the other gods in his pantheon. He focuses more on the destructive powers of nature, whilst his sister focuses on the formative powers of nature.  

Divine Domains

Omes is the deity of the Tempest Domain. He oversees the destruction of nature and how it interacts and attacks the world. He is also the deity of the Winter and Summer seasons. He will intervene with mortals when he needs to, but normally in spiritual form rather than mortal form.   

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Omes' divine symbol is a tree trunk with a raging storm cloud inside of it. He is the god of all nature that destroys and infects the world. His symbol is seen across Arrasgoth, predominantly on sea-faring vehicles as he is the most common god amongst pirates and sailors. The colour of his symbol is blue and so his followers wear blue in their religious garments, or add blue to their accessories.
Divine Classification
True Neutral
Aligned Organization


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