Fervorian Species in Ardras | World Anvil

Fervorian (fur-vor-ee-an)

"The stoic warriors of Fervor vigilantly stand guard at its gates, almost requesting that an intruder come dare to fight them, unleashing the might of the northern philosopher kings."
— Marblemarch Innkeeper, Era of Dusk

Basic Information


The people of Fervor are made up of a special, marble-like element. Their bodies are battle-hardened and easily deflect the slash of a blade. This makes them amazingly adept warriors on the battlefield. Blood of precious metal flows through their veins, determining their social rank. This precious metal is held in a sacred amphora by each family and is held under guard in the family home.

A fervorian can go on living endlessly without the usual human issues of aging. However, they do begin to crumble around 130–150 years old. They are also susceptible to bludgeoning damage, which can cause cracks that lead to further instability. Any fervorian with a broken off or detached limb is generally considered worthless by fervorian society, regardless of class.

Genetics and Reproduction

Fervorians do not possess reproduction organs like humans do; fervorian couples who have their marriages arranged for them are entrusted with the family amphora, which holds the sacred blood of their ancestors. These two individuals must journey through the Intrepedium and keep the amphora intact along the way.

At the end of the Intrepedium is a massive shrine built on a deep and ancient deposit of marble. Aided by the temple attendents, the newly wed couple must sculpt a new child from the marble. This is a momentous occasion in the lives of a fervorian, for they are being entrusted with crafting the next generation. Once the pair have created their child, the attendents enchant the amphora filled with precious metal. Through this ritual, a vial of the substance is used to breathe life into the newborn.

The child is swaddled in white linen and given to the parents. The amphora is returned to them, and the attendents pray for the new parents' safe journey back across the Intrepedium.

Growth Rate & Stages

Fervorians begin their lives crafted from marble with the appearance of a five-year-old human being. Over the next several years, the essence of the amphora — the lifeblood which courses through their bodies — begins to gradually change them, and their bodies become that of a young adult.

Young adults gradually change in appearance over the course of twenty-seven to thirty years. They take up attendence of the Schools of Hadan or pursue their own adventures during this time. Some families expect fervorians of this age to marry and have a child of their own, but some fervorians choose to forego this ritual, much to the dishonor of their family.

As adults, fervorians typically find themselves adventuring across the world of Ardras or staying within the confines of Fervor on behalf of their families. Staying in Fervor is the path most Goldbloods take. Silverbloods are the more adventurous of the two. Military service is highly encouraged, and many of them take up service to The Hadanguard.

In their later life, fervorians begin to crumble apart and their overall stability is weakened. A fervorian prefers a valiant death and will often die in battle before old age. Those who don't — and can afford the luxury of a well-kept estate — usually retire with a long military history under their belt.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fervorians do not need to consume food or water to continue to survive, as their bodies are made of stone. Wealthy fervorians do, however, have a taste for gemstones and jewels as delicacies. Some fervorians will eat rocks and stone "for the taste."

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male Names: Alexander, Titanius, Maximus, Euripedes, Aristolas, Gregario, Posiden, Zerus, Augustus, Ceasario, Demoscates, Olympedes, Dionoso

Female Names: Heras, Persephona, Demetera, Rosaria, Athena, Solaria, Haden, Hephstara, Dionisa

Major Organizations

Beauty Ideals

Goldbloods desire beauty above all else, and the women of this class spend their days in luxury. They spend their time practicing arts, literature, music, magic, and maintainence of their smooth complexion with an arrangement of high luxury oils and imported goods. Cracks and crumbling are seen as signs of age and imperfection. A beautiful mind is desired of young women, and a strong and heroic heart is desired of young men.

Silverbloods and Copperbloods are not so high strung on these ideas, but it does not stop them from enjoying simple luxuries and desiring the things they want.

Gender Ideals

In this very stratocratic society, women are expected to be dutiful mothers, charming wives, and beautiful ornaments. They are also encouraged however, to take up the warriors path and be a skilled fighter. Women are idealized as the great minds of society, and though under the ruling thumb of the Archons, they help move fervorian society forward. They are, however, expected to be good mothers first and brave warriors or diplomats second.

Men are expected to be brave and heroic warriors willing to put their lives down for the good of fervorian society. Military enrollment is mandatory for all men over the age of 35 years, and they must serve at least 30 more years of their life dedicated to The Hadanguard in some capacity. Not doing so is punishable by law.

Courtship Ideals

Among Silverbloods and Goldbloods, marriages are arranged by families to create powerful noble alliances. The married to be are expected to carry the Sacral Amphora of their families' bloodline through The Intrepedium and craft their child at the Shrine of Roanus, a grand marble quarry from which all fervorians are crafted. This journey is expected to be one of growth between two individuals which cements their family legacy together.

Copperbloods are allowed to participate in this ritual as well, but as they have no Sacred Amphora which contain their blood, they often resort to smelting down Copper Pieces into a vial or some other small container. They may choose to make this journey with a fellow Copperblood, but there have been the odd instances where they have had human companions; though this is often frowned upon by the greater of fervorian society.

Relationship Ideals

Fervorians do not experience lust or other sensual emotions, but rather, they see good partners as someone who they can trust and who will be there to aid them in times of need and hardship. They see beyond the physical beauty of the other and pursue making that person into their perfect other half. They are expected by their parents to push the other to higher levels each day.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

  • Common
  • Hadan

Common Dress Code

Goldbloods are adorned with fine white linens, and additional robes signifying their royal house. These robes are often embroidered with insignias and Hadan Glyphs. They may also adorn themselves with all manner of jewelry and fine accessories.

Silverbloods and Copperbloods wear mostly white linens and simple tunics, a necklace or amulet of some personal significance, and an armband or two. Many of them keep a trusted weapon at their side, buckled at their hip.


The fervorians were forged by the god Roanus in their creation mythos. They were created to be weapons of destruction against the First Empire of Man. While the warrior-race was a superior adversary on the field of battle, they were eventually overcome and outwitted by the mages and god-kings of the human race. The defeated fervorians were enslaved and put to work constructing great effigies of their overlords and building their empire.

During the closing centuries of the Era of Light, a legendary fervorian warrior-princess known as Hadan the Warrior Goddess broke her chains. She led an uprising against the gradually weakening human kingdoms. She gathered and led an army of the oppressed and freed them, promising emancipation and sovereignty to any who would follow her. Among her were her companions, Paxum the Blinding Light, Obrinn the Furious Red River, Helos the Copperblood, and Akimotos the Knowledgeable Wise One.

During their travels, they together founded the city of Marblemarch andthe army of the Hadanguard. From this settlement, Hadan and her allies began to plan a future for the fervorian people. There are a great many tales from this time period in fervorian literature. They tell of many ancestor heroes who aided Hadan in her quests to rid the landscape of mighty and terrible beasts. Over time, Hadan would lead her people on a pilgrimage to found a sacred city of freedom.

The city of Haden's Rest was this city. Built in the Valley of the Winds, it where the Tomb of Hadan resides. It is kept highly guarded. From here on, The Hadanguard maintains a stratocratic society of peace and justice.

Historical Figures

  • Hadan the Warrior Goddess
  • Paxum the Blinding Light
  • Obrinn the Furious Red River
  • Helos the Copperblood
  • Akimotos the Knowledgeable Wise One
  • Dionysio the Madman
  • Amphrosia the Seductress
  • Heras the Mother's Rage
  • Posidon the Vigilante Stoic
  • Zerus the Furious Storm
  • Athurna the Erudite Master
  • Hephtermus the Master of Blades

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Goldbloods and Silverbloods are expected to relate exclusively with other fervorians. To have relations with another race is considered blasphemous and brings great shame upon the family name. Copperbloods do not deal with such constrained thoughts, though it is a generally frowned upon custom even amongst themselves.

Fervorians are proud warriors who fought for emancipation from their human masters many ages ago, today they maintain a strict code of law.
130-150 years
Average Height
Men – 6'0" to 6'11"
Women – 4'10" to 6'2"
Average Weight
Men – 615 to 780 lbs.
Women – 405 to 650 lbs.
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities


Ability Score Increase
Size Medium
Speed 25

Ability Score Increase: When determining your character’s ability scores, increase one score by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1. (You can't raise any of your scores above 20.)   Size: Medium or Small   Statuesque Resiliance: You were created to have remarkable fortitude, represented by the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage.
  • You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe.
  • You are immune to disease.
  • You don't need to sleep, and magic can't put you to sleep.
  •   Stone Skin: When you aren’t wearing armor, your base AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield’s benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.   Languages: Common, Hadan
      Choose a Social Class   Goldblood - The noble upperclass who preside within the palaces and city of Haden's Rest. Gold flows through their veins as lifeblood, and they spend most of their days enjoying the luxuries of a succesful empire.  
    • Ability Score Increase: Add +1 CHA
    • Gregagrious: Proficiency with Persuasion and Deception
        Silverblood - The militant middle class who inhabit the majority of the lands of Fervor. Silver flows through their veins as lifeblood. These peoples constitute the greater portion of Fervorians within their home kingdom. They aspire to work towards becoming goldbloods.  
    • Ability Score Increase: Add +1 STR
    • Weapon Training: Spear, Javeline, Longsword, Shortsword
        Copperblood - The poorer, underclass of Fervorian society, as they trace their descendency to a traitor character within their mythos. They are most commony found outside the lands of Fervor, or are otherwise living in squalor within its borders. Copper flows through their veins.  
    • Ability Score Increase: Add +1 DEX
    • Artisan's Expertise: You gain proficiency with two kinds of artisan’s tools of your choice. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies. In addition, whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of any architectural construction (including buildings, public works such as canals and aqueducts), you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.