Underking's Ascent Military Conflict in Arc - Tus | World Anvil
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Underking's Ascent

A conflict of interests with interesting beginnings.

Written by Acturus Albani, who is proud of how far he's come.
The Underkin's Ascent, also called the Underdark Uprising, is the name attributed to the bellicose conflicts between the Kingdom of Crendameth and the Kingdom of Zendil that lasted little under a month. It is the largest conflict Crendameth has been involved in since Elmeyon Crendameth's Rebellion, twenty-six years prior.
The causes for this conflict are almost entirely one-sided and do not appear to be entirely consistent, with the Zendilite drow elves marching on the Crendamite surface in the hopes of conquering it. That being said, Vrandil I Torath, often called the Underking, was the individual responsible for setting the conflict's events in motion when he slayed Lyra Crendameth, the King's daughter and would-be princess.

The reason as to why he did this is because of his soothsayer's insistence that, with her death, the war effort would be greatly benefited. This, in turn, coincided nearly word for word with something he had read on a stone tablet during his failed expedition to the depths of the Underdark. Thoroughly shaken, Vrandil opted to follow the flow of fate instead of resisting it.

The matrons, the individuals who hold the real power in Zendil, approved of his message, yet questioned his approach, citing that further planning would be necessary to launch an all-out assault with less casualties. For some unknown reason, the Underking disregarded these warning and proceeded with the invasion anyway.

The conflict ended with the siege of Solaris, Crendameth's capital city, wherein the Underking showed restraint to fight against of band of adventurers who had set forth to stop him. Because of the threat he posed, and becuase of his unwillingness to cause further death, these individuals decided to cooperate after their magic users had been neutralized. Once inside the Starvault, King Elmeyon Crendameth and King Vrandil debated at length what was to be done. In a resolution many question as of the writing of this codex entry, both agreed Zendil could not conquer Crendameth, yet it could serve as a protectorate state. As punishment for the murder of his subjects and his daughter, as well as the crimes his people had committed, King Crendameth severed King Torath's right hand, a penalty most considered to be far too light. 

This has led to speculation that both rulers are hiding information pertaining to either kingdom, with some disgruntled members of the public going so far as to begin questioning what this might be and how these powerful figures can be trusted if they don't share the facts that may affect the public. Tensions are rising, and the thought of rebellion is blossoming within many people's hearts.

The Conflict


The roots of the conflict begin deep underneath the surface of the earth, when Underking Vrandil I Torath organized an expedition to the darkest corners of the Underdark as an answer to the rising threat of things threatening the safety of his kingdom. However, the expedition proved to be a great failure, with all but the king being slain. This would lead to him disappearing from the public eye for a year, governing by proxy. After this year was done, he emerged on the kingly balcony and spoke to his people, inflaming their hatred for the surface-dwellers that had cast them down to the abyss. This was a front for his true motives: to get them as far away as possible from that which lurked deeper still.

Vrandil consulted with his new lieutenants, individuals no one had ever seen. The soothsayer, a marble-skinned individual, told the Underking of the surface kingdom's princess. A female human who had since rescinded her title. To ensure that all would be properly set in motion, Vrandil would have to slay her. A cold fear gripped the king then, as a tablet of stone he had found while attempting to save the people who descended with him had spoken of such events with astonishing similarities. He knew now that this was greater than politics. The web he was spun around was threaded by fate. 
And so, on the 17th of Hero's Glory of 26 AE, Lyra Crendameth was pierced by an enchanted arrow. Drow forces infiltrated the city of Illinor, marking one of the first open signs of aggression from Zendil.


The Underarmy used the wide tunnel system of the Underdark to move about, slowly deploying their forces as they made their way towards the Grand Duchy of Magna. Mostly moving at night and employing cloak-and-dagger tactics, the drow foot soldiers would oftentimes disregard their commanding officers and pillage their way through the Kingdom, earning them greater amounts of hatred from its inhabitants. 

A group of roaming adventurers would often be their targets, as they had repeatedly and consistently proved to be a thorn in the side of these marauders. 
For the siege of Solaris, the greatest force of drow elves the world has ever seen was reunited, crawling to the surface through many tunnels hidden throughout the Grand Duchy, using the land's resources to build the siege engines necessary to keep the city intimidated.


There were many skirmish sites throughout the Ascent, most of them happening in enclosed, urban spaces where drow forces could catch people unawares. However, there were also instances of field ambushes and river raids.


The drow would usually strike after sunset, or if the day was heavily clouded. During the siege of Solaris, there was the command to proceed attacking the city regardless of how bright it was.

Some individuals would steal dark, stained glass from the temples they ransacked to make a sort of protection for their eyes, diminishing the sun's glare and allowing the to fight more efficiently.

The Engagement

As mentioned previously, the drow were not interested in open battle. Instead, they would employ subterfuge and cloak-and-dagger tactics to slowly chip away at a settlement's stability. This would change slightly during the siege, where troop units would be sent into the city little by little. Their low numbers would ensure that they could stealthily kill their way towards the castle and towards opening the city's gates. Eventually, they were stopped by the Underking's arrival at Solaris.


The immediate effects of the Underking's defeat were mainly felt in the besieged capital city and the amassed forces outside it. Once the drow elves heard of their surrender, they were either confused or enraged, making the Underking greatly lose the sway he held over his people. Once he arrived in Zendil with the greater part of his host, the matrons turned on him, imprisoning the perceived traitor and preparing further plots to continue with his work. 

Sentiment against drow elves in the Kingdom of Crendameth also turned from uneasy to outright hateful, with many being held accountable for what their kin did. Because King Elmeyon only took the Underking's right hand as punishment for the countless deserted villages, homes and slaughtered innocents, one of which was his own daughter, people are beginning to question his own authority as well, with mobs of angry people demanding justice for the damage the drow elves caused.


Because the conflict only ended a week ago, the aftermath has yet to manifest itself in full, and will likely do so as the events of destiny unfold. However, there are talks among political scholars of Crendameth that the discontent that is brewing in the capital city and the most affected duchies will eventually result in a series of riots bordering on rebellion. 

In Zendil, the situation is much more controlled. The matrons have ensured that all public hatred is directed towards the now disgraced Underking and have reverted to cheating, lying and subterfuge as means of administering their politics. This will likely result in the trapping and possible murder of the band of adventurers that will descent into Zendil as a diplomatic party. Further developments might include that which the Underking feared so much he conscripted every drow elf in the upper layers of the Underdark to escape from it.

Historical Significance


The immediate legacy of the Ascent is the intense segregation drow elves are experiencing at the moment, with relationships broken down almost entirely as of the writing of this codex entry. How this event will go down in history is, as they say, up to the whims of time and those who dance to its tune.
Included under Conflict
Included Conflicts
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Battlefield Type
Start Date
17th of Hero's Glory, 26 AE
Ending Date
13th of Clearsky, 26 AE
Conflict Result
Kingdom victory with the promise of turning Zendil into a protected vassal state.



25,000 strong.
~5,000 members of the city watch


~7,500. Body count pending.
Body count pending.


To take over the Kingdom of Crendameth's capital city, Solaris, and force all of its people out so that the Zendilites could move away from the dangers underneath the surface.
To repel the attacks from Zendil and defend their homeland.

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