Iomer Character in Aradeia | World Anvil

Iomer (ee-oh-mare)

In the northwest of the Wilderness resides the darkelf Iomer, known to many as the Jester King. Those brave enough to face him soon realize that he's far from the dangerous, evil entity he is described as in the many legends surrounding him - at least at first glance. The handsome, young looking elf is a masterful entertainer and generous host with an exquisite taste in wine and pastries. His right hand man Thaellix is always by his side. His followers always keep an eye on him. Many have lost themselves in Iomer's deep blue eyes as he lured them into his personal circles, causing them to stay close to him until the end of their lives. It's speculated whether he has a silver tongue or truly knows his ways around enchantments, but he surely knows how to make use of his special gifts. Visitors who see his jester crown for the first time are immediately reminded of the Wilderness Uprising 163 years ago, and the role Iomer played in it. They assume that Iomer had been so terribly well-spoken that the dwarves of Dânmaer simply handed him the artifact, rendering dwarvenkind crown-less. Also, there are many who believe that he wasn't the one who actually killed the Bloodthirst King, but rather enchanted him, so he did it himself. Those that served under the Bloodthirst King, however, have seen the blood on Iomer's hands and the madness in his eyes.   When Iomer is not wandering around the Wilderness, he usually wears a mask that resembles the ones used in theatre; especially the smiling one.   The Jester King never had any children of his own, but treats the kids of his dear followers like nephews and nieces. Some people mentioned that he and his right-hand man are closer than employer and employee, even going as far as claiming that they saw them in a tight embrace from time to time, when they thought they were alone. Legends surrounding him have even gone as far as stating that Iomer opened the arcane underworld itself to spend some time alone with him. He's good friends with Konkôr Barbendt from The Glorious Tinkerer and detests Nûkami and Férren, the Eldest of the Dûngar tribe which he originates from.
chaotic neutral ?
Current Status
wandering through the Wilderness with Thaellix
Current Location
Sithaline City
masculine to androgynous, not shy to wear feminine clothing if he's in the mood
dark blue with golden speckles, open, slightly tilted
short and blue-black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
rather dark, grey-blueish skin
1,76 m

Cover image: by AI (artbreeder)
Character Portrait image: by AI (artbreeder)


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