azur blood-potions Technology / Science in Animora | World Anvil

azur blood-potions

Azur blood-potions utilizes a form of azur blood de-daemonification which essentially removes the alchemical component of an azur's blood that turns mortals into azurs. It only works for small amounts of their blood and requires blood willingly given to work at all.   azur blood-potions is the term given to any potion that uses azur blood as a primary ingredient without a high percentage of ill effects which does not require direct blood magic done by the azur the blood came from.
Access & Availability
In Eishelleth and the surrounding lands azurs are both (relatively) common and regulated (and therefore, relatively safe to be around). In the lands surrounding Azurakk's lair azurs are also quite common, however since these azurs were mostly turned against their will, have never been trained in retaining their humanity and are less regulated then actively enslaved and forced to slaughter humans, in general it is considered a horrible idea to ever go near this area. It is also located in the Far east, a location no sane person goes without either an army, a group of experienced monster hunters or an overpowered adventuring group.
Azurs have in the past created similar alchemical creations, however those required the azur the blood came from or their sire to handle the blood magic, while this new technique allows the reduction of the daemonic potency of the potion while keeping most of its alchemical potency without using the azur themselves or their sire.


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