Vampiric Thrall Condition in Andraous (Discontinued) | World Anvil
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Vampiric Thrall

A Vampire's fangs are capable of inflicting either pain or pleasure, for vampires are capable of injecting multiple kinds of venom depending on the situation. In battle they can inject a venom that makes the victims veins feel like they are on fire, but when feeding they can inject a venom that is capable of both calming a victim and promoting accelerated healing. It's this second venom that is capable of turning an individual into a thrall.   Being injected once, or only after a long time since the last bite isn't enough to make someone into a thrall, but being injected repeatedly in a short period of time can quickly lead an individual to become addicted to that vampire's venom. Individuals with an addiction to a vampire's venom are known as Vampire Thralls. A vampire's venom is unique to that particular vampire that a thrall is dependent on the vampire that repeatedly bites them. Some vampires will enthrall people on purpose to guarantee a food source or servant, while others have accidentally enthralled a companion when they tried to heal wounds or relieve mind shattering pain.


As a result of being addicted to a vampire's venom, thralls can't stand being too far from their vampire, and typically need to be bitten once every few days to get their fix. In the beginning they may fight this desire, but as time passes and their addiction grows stronger, a thrall will submit to their vampire more and more.


Curing individuals of this addiction is a long a frustrating process. Going cold turkey leads to an addicted individual suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms, and a vampire will often relent when it comes to their companions and give them more venom long before their addition is broken. Crueler vampires will do this to punish thralls for disobeying, letting them suffer for several days before giving them what they crave. To properly cure an individual the vampire must slowly reduce the amount of venom and increase the time between bites in order to wean a thrall of their venom.

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf


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