Sheep, General Species in Andraous (Discontinued) | World Anvil
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Sheep, General

A familiar sight in the Human  dominated regions, sheep are an important livestock for Humans.

Basic Information


Short and hoofed, sheep are covered in a thick layer of fur. Their fur is most commonly white, however some breeds can have brown, gray, or black fur. The males of some breeds have heavy, curled horns on their head.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sexual reproduction. 1-2 lambs per birth.

Ecology and Habitats

This species originates in the plains area of Tamerea, however where ever Humans go, their livestock, including sheep, are not far behind. Because of this, sheep can now be found all over the Tamerea. They are especially popular in more mountainous and frozen areas.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Sheep are very social creatures, and typically live in herds of 1-30 individuals.


Compared to their wild cousins, Domestic Sheep grow much thicker and longer wool. They also don't loose their winter fur when spring arrives, leading them to rely on humanoids to shave them.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

By far the most important use of sheep is their wool. Many different products can be produced using wool, from clothing, blankets, rugs, etc. On a lesser scale they are also used for meat, milk, and very rarely, as a mount. Sheep racing is a popular children's event at many festivals. Some additional products made from sheep include intestines as sausage casings, tallow for candles, fat, cheese, etc.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sheep have eyes on the side of their head, giving them a wide range range of vision and good depth perception.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Sheep tend to be a popular target of predator species, such as wolves and dragons. As a result farmers are constantly in a back and forth conflict with these predators over the sheep. There are many different techniques used to try and protect the sheep. Guard dogs are  relatively effective against wolves, but more drastic measure are often needed in areas with active dragon activity. These often include extremely spicy powders  sprinkled onto the wool to spiked collars.
Average Height
Shoulder Height: 3ft
Average Weight

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf


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