The Uhl-Kante Planes Geographic Location in Amerielle | World Anvil
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The Uhl-Kante Planes

The Uhl-Kante Planes are more a people then a place. Those who dare to embrace the harsh terrain of broken tundra and shrubgrass find beauty and strength among the planes. While those on the     The Ubl-kante are closely allied with dwarves who live in the mines to the west and host their cities.   Vhl-Garagon is the gateway through the planes, the King of Uhl lives there and has united the tribes. He protests the shipments of ore and weapons coming from the dwarves forges. He is the wealthiest, if not the most powerful man in all of Amerille. He's allowed to be King because the empire fears what he will do if they take the title.   Love merchants. Love Miners. Hate the Beaurcracy of the world outside of where they live. They dislike anyone outside of the Uhl-Kante.   "Throw the cork," away a phrase the uhh-kante use to say that there is no going back. It refers to a tradition where they would throw the cork away when a guest arrived as a way of saying they couldn’t leave until the last drink was drunk.


to thwest the dessert becomes Scrubby Waste but inbetwe are swaths of fertile groun and broken orange clay desert spoiled by ironin the soil.

Fauna & Flora

small harsh and herd
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