Scorpion Order Organization in Amerielle | World Anvil
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Scorpion Order

This may not be your home, but these are your people. The people of Kallowa. Like people, some will hate you, some will love you, and some will attempt to kill you. Treat every situation with the wisdom of a Shone Baret and you will do well. - Commander Schaffa to new recruits into Scorpion Order
    The Scorpion Order is the major policing order of the Kallowa Desert and an arm of the Shone Baret. They are one of the newest orders to have been implemented as the Kallowa became part of the Empire as a result their history is filled with strife and resentment. Most of the initiates are not from the area, in fact less than 2% of the Order is made of individuals from the Desert.   There most positive time was when they were under the command of Commander Schaffa. He ran the unit with grace and with the fierce unbending understanding of a great military commander. He was harsh when needed and yet proved to understand how to stabilize the area with an invading force, which it essentially was. He won over a large number of constitutions when he led his force to liberate the city of Eld early on in his tenure.     There are roughly three hundred soldiers who make up the Scorpion Order and they  are currently lead by a human named Victus Aurelius.   They are loosely tied to The Broken Telson a group of outcasts and deserters. Because the Scorpion Order is so small, they use this paramilitary group to handle some of the less sensitive duties of the order. That being said, there is little love between the two organizations as all Scorpions think that all Telsons are traitors.
Military, Knightly Order


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