Caleian Empire Organization in Allucimere | World Anvil
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Caleian Empire

Caleia is the empire that ruled Allucimere during the entire Fourth (Imperial) Age. Having been birthed in the Battle of the Aquileian Plains, the Empire before its rise was nothing more than a small Human city-state, overshadowed and often controlled by its far larger Elven dominions around it. But when the Onyx Nights struck and the Silver Age drew its final breath, Caleia rose to take its place. For over a thousand years, Caleia stood as the undisputed master of the known world, stretching its empire from the Southern steppes to the North, deep within the boreal wilderness. The shared identity it created and the mannerisms it brought have become so commonplace that even during the uncertain days of the Fifth Age, one would be hard-pressed to find people who don't still revolve their lives around this bygone empire.


The Caleian Empire is divided mostly through geographic lines. The Imperial government grants administrative rights to regional governors, who each rule over a large Province. The Provinces often have their own senates and central government which in turn delegates power to multitudes of Prefectures, tasked with administering smaller areas, such as townships or at times, a single large city and its surroundings. Though in theory, the Imperator has unlimited authority over the Provinces, in practice, the Prefects and Governors tend to hold more control the farther they are from the Capital, with some being de facto independent from Imperial authority.

Public Agenda

Before the fall, the Caleian Empire had a rather simple goal, uphold its global hegemony through the enforcement of peace, stability and trade. It did this marvelously, and under it, trade flourished thanks to the safety of its complex network of infrastructure. As for war, during most of the Imperial Age, conflict was relegated to the outer provinces and the Eastern border with Thyria. For the most part, war, famine and disease avoided the Caleian heartlands for over a thousand years...until the final days of the Fourth Age, that is.


The Caleian Empire stretches far and wide, from the Great Mountains to the _________. The Empire controls its territory not through direct force, but rather through trade, culture and infrastructure. The famous Caleian roads connect nearly every single nook and cranny of the Empire. Thanks to them, a vast trade network has been built up, and local infrastructure such as theaters and baths have helped build up a unified Caleian cultural identity. This policy of trade and assimilation first have helped build up its many Imperial Provinces into vital territories. The Imperial Provinces are as follows:
  • The Capital Province
  • Iuroma Province
  • Durumnia Province
  • Einen Province
  • Marsarilum Province
  • Laurovia Province
  • Alium Province
  • Eventia Province
  • Cusae Province
  • Agnea Province
  • Lenda Province
  • Norum Province
  • Ponstium Province
  • Alendanum Province


The military has always been a major component of the Empire. The many Caleian Legions are assigned to the Imperial Provinces, mostly at the borders and more or less remain there, controlled jointly by the Governors and Imperator. Usually, the closer the Province is to the Capital, the fewer legions it will have stationed in it. The legions themselves are comprised of

Trade & Transport

Trade has become a major focus for the Caleian Empire. Well-kept and highly secure roads once served to connect nearly every town in the Empire together. Alongside extensive trade ports, this system of infrastructure has created a highly interconnected and extensive market and is a major factor in keeping the Empire’s vast population want to stay inside rather outside of it, as foreign lands are subject to exorbitant fees and paperwork should they wish to sell their goods to the Empire.


Alongside trade and infrastructure, education is another major factor in the Caleian Empire. With the rise of steam-power and plagues wiping out the old slave populations, more and more of the Empire’s lower class seeks and is able to seek a higher education. Libraries and universities, once a rare occurrence, have, in recent centuries, become more and more commonplace. In certain Prefectures, usually the richer and more urbanized ones, the vast majority of children are enrolled in some kind of rudimentary education, in the hopes of growing up to be scholars or other such important figures. In rural Prefectures, this is usually not the case, as peasants will likely live out their entire lives on a single home as a farmer or other such laborer.


Caleian architecture is famous for how advanced, and commonplace it has become. From simple, yet long-lasting cobblestone roads uniting the Empire together, to complex water and sewage filtration networks.

Libera et Impera

Founding Date
19th of Aurelian, 35 ER
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Caleia, the Empire, Northern/Southern Caleian Empire
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
Imperial Senate of Caleia
Judicial Body
Provincial Arbitrates
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

Articles under Caleian Empire

Cover image: by Julien Berneron


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