Sufic Hunters Profession in Alcirya | World Anvil

Sufic Hunters

​Sufic hunters are the most honored warriors of the Yusuf in the coastal areas of the region. These hunters are responsible for the feeding and protection of the small, Sufic communities that dot the coasts of Yusuf. Often, they assume the role of protectors and bounty hunters. They track down fearsome beasts that prey on these outlying villages and criminals against their people. Unlike bounty hunters, however, the hunters never ask for rewards for these tasks. They crave more the gratitude of the people and the fame that many successful kills bring. ​

Within the Yusuf coast, these hunters are much revered. The local people will almost always be friendly and helpful to the hunter. If an unusual request is given by a hunter (asking for something other than food and lodging, for instance), a +1 bonus is added to non-player character reaction rolls in the hunter’s efforts to persuade the subject to comply with the request. Greedy or impossible requests are always denied, and the hunter may lose all cultural benefits if this behavior is kept up.​

Species Enemy: They choose one broad group of creatures to concentrate upon and one specific creature within that group to specialize in opposing. The groups could include: giants, undead, lycanthropes, etc. Specific individuals could then be: voadkyn, ghosts, wereboars, etc. The hunter gains a +4 bonus to attack any creature within the broad group and +1 hp damage, with another +1 hp damage bonus per three levels gained thereafter, against those in the specific group.    

​Sufic hunters are often on missions, providing food for those villages whose men have been killed by war, disease, or some other evil, or hunting down some enemy. When war breaks out, they are recalled to city centers to be knitted together into an impressive warrior force. These are the elite guerrilla warriors of the empire who, through their constant struggles, are much more experienced than the standard warriors of the Yusuf. ​
Distinctive Appearance
Special Benefits
​They gain +5% to both Hide in Shadows and Move Silently rolls. ​
Special Hindrances
​The hunters do not receive the two-weapon combat ability of most rangers.​
​The hunter also must be responsive to the call of his emperor to war; the cultural benefits of being a hunter may be lost if this call is ignored without good reason. ​
Attribute Requirements
Barred Beliefs
Race Requirement
Bonus Weapon Proficiencies
Required Weapon Proficiencies
Blowgun or bow ​
Recommended Weapon Proficiencies
​Spear, knife, darts, net. ​
Barred Weapon Proficiencies
Bonus Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Hunting, Tracking, Set Snares
Recommended Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Animal Lore, Herbalism, Bowyer, Animal Noise, Survival (desert) ​
​Sufic hunters wear no armor but may carry shields. ​
Wealth Options
Homeland Terrain
Economic System


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