School of Force Organization in Alcirya | World Anvil

School of Force

Some of the most powerful spells available to a wizard consist of force - cohesive magical energy that can be shaped into fields, walls, or blades. Force is energy that simulates solid matter; it is impervious to normal matter and can be used to exert physical pressure on creatures or objects. A force mage specializes in spells that conjure and manipulate magical force.

Desired Spells: Naturally, the school of force includes wall of force and the Bigby’s hand spells. However, spells such as magic missile and Mordenkainen’s sword also make use of magical force.

Acquired Powers
Force mages have the usual advantages and disadvantages of specialist wizards. At 8th level, force mages gain an additional +1 bonus to their saving throws versus force spells or effects, for a total of +2. When a force mage reaches 11th level, he gains the ability to attempt a saving throw for half‑effect against any force spell that causes damage, whether or not it allows a save. For example, an 11th‑level force mage struck by a magic missile spell may attempt to save for half damage, despite the fact that magic missile normally allows no saving throw. At 14th level, the force mage’s saving throw bonus increases to +3 against magical force.
Spell Analysis
Force mages are skilled in battle; most of their spells are designed to hinder, incapacitate, or destroy their enemies. However, they do not enjoy a great variety of spells and must get along without access to two of the most useful schools available - divination and alteration.
Spell List

1st Level

2nd Level

3rd Level

4th Level

5th Level

6th Level

7th Level

8th Level

9th Level

Specialist Name
Force Mage
House Heracleonas
Effect Alliance
Appollonian Leadership Tier
Opposed School(s)
The School of Alteration and the School of Divination oppose the school of force, since these have nothing to do with the summoning or manipulation of magical energy.
Praetor Plotius
Initial Funds
(d4+1) x 10 gp
Minimum Ability Scores
Intelligence 12, Constitution 15. Prime Req. Intelligence, Constitution
Race(s) Allowed
Human, Stained


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