Palanos, God of All Good Character in Alcirya | World Anvil

Palanos, God of All Good

​In the creation story, He is the "One" and is largely considered to be the most potent power in the universe.​

​Palanos is the god of all things divined to be good or well intended. As an Old God, he is essentially irrelevant to today's people and is not actively worshiped except by the anachronistic or obscure sects.​

​Palanos is served by Balera, Volora, and Caelym and the titans that follow them as well.​

​Like all the Old Gods, Palanos is a far more abstract quantity and, thus, has no particular plane of existence, rather, his presence is felt through hope, faith, and the light of creation. He is, essentially, infinitely powerful and has no need of material objects.​

Divine Domains

Equality, justice, mercy, forthrightness, inspiration.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Guide, inspire, nurture all sentient races.
Divine Classification
Old God


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