Rot Condition in Albion | World Anvil
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This magical rot consumes people from the inside. It is painful and slow. However, it is thought by many to be a gift from a god, Nergal, the way that god can clense the impurities of the mortal flesh, allowing their followers to ascend to the divine. As such, they feel compelled to spread both the religion and the disease, causing them to be barred from entry from all nations and cities, and many nations have kill on sight orders for the Cleansed of Nergal.

Transmission & Vectors

It can only be passed via bodily fluids, with blood being especially potent. Hoever, once the rot kills its victim, it releases spores which become airborne, and can then spread throughout the environment. These spores however are highly hydrophobic, and will be easily destroyed by exposure to rain or mist.


Visibly, the only signs are wide splotches of discoloured skin, though internally the damage is far more obvious. There is also just a very powerful dull ache.


Only high level divine magic can cure those in the early stages of the infection, after a certain point the infection is too far gone.


Without early and powerful intervention, death within 2 years is certain, death within a single year is likely. Those that praise Nergal however can live with it for decades, until it finally ravishes them.




Not interacting with people with this condition, and if they have died, quickly immersing the body in water, followed by a boiling and a burning.


It can spread well through a population, though rather slowly due to the disease not being contagious for the first month or so. After a few decades however, the entire population could be infected, but it could be well hidden.
Chronic, Acquired


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