Letter from Arthur Halley to Professor Koji Document in Age of Defiance | World Anvil
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Letter from Arthur Halley to Professor Koji

Words Long Lost...   In her quest to find a cure to her condition, Captain Caroline Wendell requests aid from her biological son, Dais. Speaking fondly of her former employer and mentor-the eccentric explorer and crypto-archeologist Arthur Halley -her line of inquiry takes her to the doorstep of the granddaughter of Arthur's close confidant Professor Koji. Sympathizing with Caroline's worsening health, Mia retrieves the only mememnto of her grandfather featuring Arthur: a old black-and-white photo in an exquisite frame. Unbeknownst to all, the unassuming photo of two academics hides a long-lost secret.


Many years before his passing due to a heart attack, Arthur Halley wrote a hidden message on the back of a photo addressed to his old friend Professor Koji, an expert of romantic literature, mythology, and ancient history. Disguised as a mere gift between peers, Arthur hoped the message would evade prying eyes, remaining secret to all but the Professor himself.

Historical Details


Having fulfilled his life-long goal of discovering the Lost Hoard of the Inca Empire, Arthur kept its location secret, smuggling tiny portions of treasure periodically through the years to build up enough of a nest-egg to sustain his children and grandchildren. According to his former intern, Caroline, Arthur found something astounding among the hoard that he felt the world simply was not ready for. Being a huge fan of ciphers, codes, and secret inks, he wrote his last letter hoping for Professor Koji to pick up where he left off, and if not him, then his clever granddaughter Mia.  

*Spoiler Warning: Unpublished content!*

  Spacequake Ch. 6
"Well I'm terribly sorry to hear about the diagnosis..." Mia commented as she set the tea tray down on the coffee table. Caroline whispered thanks and picked up the porcelin cup filled with bright-green liquid. "How...how can you stand to drink so much Richtho tea? Thankfully I've never had to drink any myself, but I've heard nothing but bad things..."   "Honestly, I've gone taste-blind after so many years," Caroline muttered and wrinkled her brow after quaffing her cup.   "I'm not entirely sure what help I can be. Grandfather rarely ever spoke of associates outside of Shinasha."   "Arthur and your grandfather were all big into hidden messages: ciphers, codes, secret inks, that sort of thing. Please, Mia, if there's anything, anything at all, it could mean everything. Even if it seems innocuous," Caroline begged and splayed her fingers, tilting her palms up.   Mia bit her lip and rose from her seat. Dais watched quietly as Mia walked over to a display case and pulled the cabinet open. She reached between plaques and awards and retrieved a black-and-white photo in an ornate frame. It showed a man with long grayish hair and a thick mustache alongside a man with receding white hair, round cheerful cheeks, and peaked eyebrows. She walked back to the sofa and handed it to Caroline.   "Grandfather said there was a story behind this old picture and that he'd tell me someday, and, well, that someday never came..." Mia trailed off and sat back in her seat. Caroline stood up and moved away a step, turning it over a few times, scrutinizing the photo: frame and all. She glanced at Mia and raised her eyebrows slightly. Mia grasped her request and nodded in approval, and Caroline thumbed open the fastenings and gently tweaked the photo out of the frame, setting the frame on the coffee table. She turned the photo over and reached up, pressing a button on her headpiece.   Dais didn't know what to think when he saw his mother's face light up with excitement. She pulled her hand away from her headpiece and splayed her fingers, shaking her hand as she began speaking. "My Dearest Professor...I have made a most astounding discovery!" Both Dais and Mia sat bolt upright in their seats, with Mia scooting towards the edge, eyes wide in rapt attention as Caroline read aloud words written long ago, intended for her dearly departed grandfather...


Spoiler Warning: Unpublished Content!

  Spacequake Ch. 6
“What was that all about? ‘they are always watching’? What on Earth was he talking about: ‘Men in black’? That’s a conspiracy theory!” Mia scoffed, wrinkling her brow as Caroline turned to leave the room. The elderly space pirate paused and turned to the side, glancing at Mia over her shoulder.   “Is it?” she asked, arching an eyebrow. Mia clutched the photo close to her chest, confused. “They’re the reason Gage and I had to cut our honeymoon short. Gage wasn’t exactly keen on letting his loyal swabbies get dissected. Bunch of amoral xenophobic busybodies...you’d have cures for cancer and the common cold by now if it weren’t for them! The Ronin have already had a run-in with them. I heard they tried to assassinate Tanya and ambush Kento, and they tried to abduct Anubis in Arizona. You all should keep your heads on a swivel...not all of your enemies are going to be aliens and demons…” with that cryptic warning, Caroline sauntered out of the room.   Dais walked over to Mia and put a hand on her shoulder. “Hey, can you tell Danae I’ll be back after this is all finished? Thanks,” he whispered before taking off after his mother. Mia nodded and watched him leave the den. She turned the photo up in her hands and gazed down at it, wondering what old Arthur had found that had sworn not just him to secrecy...but her grandfather as well...
Text, Letter

Cover image: Age Of Defiance Header by Mardrena


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