Indigo Guard Headquarters Building / Landmark in Adijari | World Anvil

Indigo Guard Headquarters

The Indigo Guard HQ is very much a reflection of the institution.   It presents itself as a noble institution that protects Kaishah, but the very nature of the organization demands duplicitousness. Upon entering the HQ, it is brightly colored and even has a greeter who will politely direct visitors to areas of interest.Khanahari  which is where the HQ is situated, is a popular tourist destination, and so the HQ needs to also play along. They offer guided tours of the establishment. Visitors are shown where the guardsman train, museum spaces within the headquarters that present the history of the Indigo guard, and they are even dazzled with demonstrations of the Indigo Guards specialty of illusion weapon casting. But just behind the outer most façade is the real Indigo Guard that the public does not see. The Indigo guard deals with some of the most cunning villains and illusion casters there are, including those vying for apprenticeship from Pidmaya rhakshasas. The façade they present to the tourist public would be inadequate to handle everything they deal with. In the inner rooms of the headquarters, guards practice terrifying illusions, and are taught how to uncover secrets and fears to become ruthless interrogators. Communal phobias such as a feat of snakes, spiders, and tight space are studied in these back rooms. Interrogation rooms are fitted with crystals to facilitate the illusion casting of Indigo Guards. Even when suspects know it is illusions they are looking at, it doesn't help them their worst fears are closing in on them. When suspects fears are not known, a barrage of common phobias is thrown at them all at once in these rooms, until the guards find something that causes a reaction. Suspects who did not even know they had phobias come out of these interrogations hyper aware of what they are afraid of, including being brought back into the Indigo Guard Headquarters.


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