Dragon Breath Metal Material in Aardeon | World Anvil
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Dragon Breath Metal

Dragon Breath Metal, Draconium or Dragonite is a very rare compound metal found in the heat gland of fire breathing dragons.


Material Characteristics

Metallic texture with orange and reddish hues, which turns bright red once refined.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Its density is similar to that of aluminium, however its structure makes it stronger than steel. It is not magnetic, does not oxidize and has a very low thermal conductivity.


A mixture of carbon, iron, sulphur and titanium.

Origin & Source

It can only be found in heat glands of fire breathing dragons that have died of old age.

History & Usage


At first every noble wanted to have a weapon made out of Dragon metal, but due to its rarity it became too expensive to be feasible. As time went on not many people forged Draconite anymore and the material fell into obscurity.


It was first discovered inside a corpse of a red dragon. A weaponsmith refined the metal and created a sword, it was light, very sharp and very hard to dull. Once this was discovered, the material became very sought after. Many people foolishly went hunting dragons for it. Few returned. Those who were successful in killing a dragon soon found out the glands contained something different. Some researchers found that fire breathing dragons only live as long as the contents of their heat glands stay liquid. The only condition under which the metal forms is this natural solidification.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Due to its rarity not many people even know of its existance. On rare occasions it was made into a ceremotial weapon and gifted to royalty upon reaching an agreement or as an offering of peace.


Dragonite can only become more malleable with heat, so it can be worked into weapons, armour and tools, however a forge hot enough to smelt it does not exist anymore.
900 gp/kg
Extremely rare
In its raw form it smells of sulphur
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State


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