Osawkee Organization in A Strange New World | World Anvil


This is a tribe of primarily humans who can trace their heritage to pre-rifts native americans of Anishinaabe ethnicity, among others.   They roam the western portions of an area known as the Free Lands by the Coalition and Northern Gun. It is the magic-rich area along the Missippi river between the two nations and Tolkeen comprising what is today Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and parts of Illinois. They are primarily nomadic due to the unstable nature of the area, but that same unstable nature is what keeps the other human nations away.   They oppose the goals of the The Coalition States and so have refused to join those humans, while at the same time the resurgence of their spiritual power brought about by the coming of the rifts have put them at odds with the technocracy that The Republic of Ishpeming embodies. Tolkeen's anti-human sentiment is just as unpalatable to the Osawkee as the homogenously human Osawkee are to Tolkeen. They get along well enough with the minor powers west to the Colorado Baronies and regularly trade with them. The 1st Apocalyptic Cavalry is distrustful of their spirit magic but otherwise treats them well since they are human, but the Osawkee despise the Cavalry's genocidal methods and the two groups often clash over resources.


A chief governs with the advice and approval of the council of Elders.   The Council is made of senior shaman as well as the most senior warriors. A war chief is named only when the chief asks and the council approves. The war chief is usually not the same person as the tribal chief.   The senior Shaman of the Osawkee consist of the following:
1 shaman healer
1 fetish shaman
1 mask shaman (missing) - see The Mask Shaman
1 plant shaman
2 animal shaman   Other members of the council include: 1 mystic warriors 1 totem warrior 1 spirit warrior (would be nominated as war chief)
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
Ojibwe, Sauk, Ho Chunk, Chippewa
The People
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities
Related Plots

Articles under Osawkee

Cover image: Tulcor's Rifts World Title by Tulcor


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