The Sceadu of Sundorwick Organization in Wynsumheord | World Anvil

The Sceadu of Sundorwick

The Sceadu are the elite warriors of the Sundorwick Tribe. They are trained to protect the forest and its people. From the beginning of the separation of the forest peoples, the Sundorwick activated their own military unit separate from the Firgenholt's. Unlike the Firgenholt armies, Sceadu wield more than just spears. They most often carry bow and arrows or crossbows. They are also not opposed to mounts, and frequently ride them into battle.
Military, Army
Parent Organization


At the early establishment of Wynsumheord, the forest peoples did not consider their land to be part of the main settlement due to their varied philosophical views. Soon after, the forest peoples divided due to their own disagreements; creating the Sundorwick and the Firgenholt. The Mundbyrdian attempted to create allyship with Firgenholt to no avail, but they had a little more success with the Sundorwick People who were more adaptive to their beliefs. This came not without challenge, for the Firgenholt did not appreciate the Sundorwick inviting Wynsumheord so close to them. For this reason, the alliance was kept as secretive as possible.


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