APU Security | World Behind the Veil

APU Security

A large security firm focused on the protection of people and assets of the Dragon Loyalists and Cassidy herself. The firm does take jobs outside of this but only if they do not interfere with their core mission.   The company is active both in the human and supernatural world. The employees com from both worlds as well and can be humans, hunters, therians, vampires, witches and more. Each of them are used in various situations where they can apply their special skills and abilities.   As Cassidy backs the service herself, it is one of the most valued and highly sought after services in the world. While being protected by a security detail of the APU, most powerful organizations will not act against them. This does not mean that nothing ever happens, but it is very rare and even less likely to succeed.  


The company has a large portfolio of services offered. All the services are security related.  
  • Bodyguards / Security Personnel: A wide range of bodyguards and security teams to protect persons of interest from any form of threat.
  • Witness Protection: Helping someone disappear to protect them from powerful threats. Providing safe houses and new identities. Including magical protections.
  • Prison and Guarded Transports: Armed guards with vehicles to protect valuable goods or to secure prisoners.
  • Rescue Operations: Teams which can track down and recover kidnapped persons.
  • Location Protection: This can include defensive wards, armed guards, intrusion detection both technological and magical and more.
Personal Protection, Security Personel, Prison Transports, Asset Security, Guarded Transports and more
New York City
ca. 12'000
Team Structure
APU Security Detail
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations

Cover image: Book of Magic by TJ Trewin


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Aug 8, 2021 10:46

Interesting article! Does APU have a specific approach to protecting people/assets which makes them stand out? And, how do they recruit new people into their ranks? Do they have to pass a set of tests, or are they scouted by someone from the "HR department"? Just some food for thought!   Keep up the good work! :D

Aug 8, 2021 16:37

Thanks! Some good questions! Definitely need to expand on this at some point :)

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