Calera Geographic Location in Starkeeper | World Anvil


Calera is an Americanist world originally colonized in the late Second Interstellar Period by members of a political fundamentalist group who sought to restore principles of constitutional governance which they believed the wider American Federation had lost. Following the planet's bombardment at the outset of the Age of Strife, the surviving inhabitants underwent technological regression and by the time of recontact were in an early-industrial state limited by a lack of fossil fuels.

Physical Characteristics

Chosen by its founders as a typical example of a planet which could be made human-habitable with only a moderate level of ecological engineering, Calera is a light-superterran world with an atmospheric pressure near the lower limit for long-term human habitation. An old planet (approximately six billion years), most of its oceans had dried up by the time of its discovery, leaving disconnected briny seas in the lower regions of their former beds. The continents are now vast highlands, where the air is too thin for humans to survive without artifical aid.
  The planet orbits a pair of binary stars, one G-type and one K-type, which eclipse each other at regular intervals as they revolve. This causes alternating rises and falls in global temperature which accompany the annual seasonal cycle. Nights on Calera are quite dark, since it has no moon and its system little interplanetary dust to produce zodiacal light.
1x G5V
1x K2V
0.86 bar nitrox
Surface Gravity
Major Demographics
Included Locations

Articles under Calera

Cover image: by Reimund Bertrams


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