To-do List in Osiron | World Anvil

To-do List

OFFICIAL NOTICE - The content on this page refers to a mock idea / concept

OFFICIAL NOTICE - The content on this page is a draft and undergoing construction

OFFICIAL NOTICE - The content on this page is undergoing an extensive review

This list was last updated on the 21st April 2024.

Organisation / Styling tasks

Create tagging system

Implement new tagging system for all articles

Add icons to all current articles and categories

Minor tweaks to current CSS

Tidy up CSS documentation

Style [breadcrumb] widget

Banner updates - resizing to match the recommended image size guidelines

Current Goals

Finish writing the Induction to Osiron article

Write the meta for Osiron

Review and update articles from Summer Camp 2020

Cover image: Osiron World Cover by SunlanceXIII


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