Cluaran the Sudden

You say you start small, but everyone does. Human life is but a joke and in a way, we've all been played.
— Cluaran the Sudden


Cluaran comes from a small mountain village in Gáláwá Mountain Ridge. He never really payed attention to the customs, just following them without any note. One day he met a merchant, who offered good coin to show him the way to the famed Lake of Ithrós. Cluaran, then a boy of 13, agreed without futher ado. The path was known to all locals and he was not binded by any chores, so why not?

When they arrived on the spot, the funny looking merchant threw a net into the lake. The boy knew of the taboo surrounding the Lake but did not say anything. If any, he thought the rules were silly and made by the elder only to cover the interesting part of the reality. The merchant threw in some strange stones, which coloured the waters red and lured in the blindies, then pulled the net out.

It was then, that the boy understood but a part of why the taboo was formed int he first place. The fish cried like the children, when in great pain. They shrieking sound drilled into his mind, into its deepest parts and would break the heart if it wasn't for the merchant. The man threw the fish into the barrel and sealed it properly. He had what he came here for, so now he wanted to get out of here.

The boy agreed and lead the merchant dow the mountain to the city of Gáláwá. Thus he has made his first mistake, and one that would change his entire life forever. The one, he would feel he would need to repent for with more than just a word.

Aftermath of the hike

This one hike with the merchant, made Cluaran question his convictions. Why were the tabu set, what did they mean? Eventually he decided to take the road of a skald and search for the paths and forms. He grew to laugh at his mistake, though the blindies sometimes appeared in his dreams, eating him alive, while laughing lie playful children. Whenever he chased them away, they gave out a cry similar to the one of the day of the hike with the merchant.

Several years forth, he travelled across the Saveni land. He got a name for sprouting unexpected and sharp, pretty much like a thistle, which gained him a nickname of the Sudden.

Important events

Apart from the hike with Llysywen Wen, he made quite an uproar at one of the Weeks of Law and Prosperity in the city of Halen, setting foundations for the future Fair Week of Law and Prosperity. In a way, he made the guild of the merchant emerge in the first place. It was only fitting to help bring it down.

Though he saved many souls, Cluaran had very often a bad timing. Whenever he appeared, many people had already died. that very fact made him extremely cynic, to the point that he often considered ones life as a joke and would say that "we've all been played".



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