The blood moon celebration Tradition / Ritual in 2275: Earth | World Anvil

The blood moon celebration

Spirits of the North(earth) we welcome you. Spirits of the East(air) we entreat you. Spirits of the South(fire) we beseech you. Spirits of the West(water) we implore you.
— {give more info}


by Hans Braxmeier
  The blood moon celebration is held when the moon appears closer to earth and is red in colour instead of white. This can happen as many as thrice a year. The largest celebration happens when there is a red haloed blood moon. Everyone in the community partakes even though not all can use magic.  

Components and Tools:

  The primary tools for the celebration are a folding table or flat stone to act as an altar, an altar cloth complete with embroidered sigils, a small cauldron, a mortar and pestle, a candle, a chalice, and an incense burner or censer. A bonfire is a large part of the celebration. The participants make up the majority of the components since without the celebrants there is no festival.  


  The whole community comes together for the celebration. Everyone brings food to be set on the large trestle tables brought out from the town hall. They gather either in the town park, square, a forest clearing specially prepared, or in a fallow field depending on the time of year and community. Participants contribute by bringing wood of all sorts, from broken furniture to logs for preparing a large bonfire.  
gazebo by Jude Josh
Once everyone has gathered, usually about noon, they set up the ritual altar. This is usually in a permanent gazebo, bandstand, or within a gazebo tent. Everyone spends the time greeting those whom they haven't seen in a while and pass news and gossip.   Games and competitions are held where magic is not allowed. The people enjoy the friendly competition and egging others on to greater skill or speed. Depending on the groups the games could be anything from red-rover to dodgeball. There are egg races and relays, bladder toss, and archery competitions.   When the moon begins to rise, everyone gathers around the ritual altar. Four Magi or Witches are chosen to call the quarters for the ritual. One of the four is chosen to lead the ritual.   Depending on the time of year, the fire could be lit before the ritual or after.
tent by zzarri69
  As the sun begins to set the bonfire is lit. After the ritual is complete everyone encirles the fire and sings songs of thanks and chants. The merry-making lasts until the fire burns down, usually around dawn or early morning.   Some of the community may have brought tents and blankets for the children. These are utilized when they start falling asleep. Usually, the older children see to the younger ones so that the adults don't need to leave the fire.   Everyone partakes of the food that was brought throughout the festivities. Once the fire has burned down the townsfolk begin to clean up the site. The ash is gathered for soapmaking and to spread on the fields and gardens as fertilizer.


  All from a given area of magic users and their families.
fire by Aamir Mohd Khan

Cover image: Tree and moon by Gerd Altmann


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