Broken Crown Asteroid Belt Geographic Location in 100 Worlds | World Anvil

Broken Crown Asteroid Belt

Many researchers speculate that this was either one or more planetoids that broke up, or are in the process of forming.   Until the recent appearance of what many claim is Alpha , some theorized this was that planet's remains.   Support for a broken-up planet comes from careful research showing that there was at least one planet here...because there is a fragment of a sigil sequence for a teleportation circle that would land in the sixth orbit.   Some of the asteroids that are dense with Etharium (about one in 50) actually have their own atmosphere. The larger ones are prized hideouts for pirates and others who don't wish to be found or the target of prospectors or mining companies who can sell the Etharium.   This is a lawless region. Vessels traversing the area must be wary of pirates.   Salvage operations are common in this region due to derelicts left by pirates, or failed attempts at navigating the deepest parts of the asteroid belt.  

Infamous Pirate Captains / Guilds / Crew

"Red Eye" is a recent but notoris addition to the every increasing number of orc pirate captins plauging the region.   The Poison Blades. A loose guild of mercenary pirates, famous for a raid on Valkun, Drago. The guild is led by a half-orc named Jedaco.


Ancient Name: n/a
Circumference: n/a
Climate: Aprox. 1 in 50 asteroids have an atmosphere.
Orbit: 6
Population: unknown
Rotation: n/a


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