Dragonslayer Sadida Ocala | World Anvil

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Dragonslayer Sadida Ocala

Rivendom's (unofficial) leading expert of dragon biology, actual Dragon slayer, and Warden of the Wayward.

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The WardenHolme

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Played by
Derek Rogers

The major events and journals in Sadida's history, from the beginning to today.

Oooh, it's the end of the world as we know it

01:11 pm - 02.06.2020

I've changed the way I think about a lot of things, gradually let go of my hatred and moved on... But there is one thing I still believe. [p]People who are blessed with power have an obligation to use it to protect those who do not. What's the point of all that strength if not to protect those that can't protect themselves?[/p]

10:32 pm - 05.05.2020

I have accidentally adopted a minor god and a reality bender. Single mom looking for advice, please respond

02:31 am - 05.04.2020

I have to go talk to a bunch of dragons today, which if you know me, isn't exactly something I look forward to. Wish me luck

07:03 pm - 03.04.2020

You know, there are few things more satisfying than stabbing a giant dragon in the spine mid flight

05:27 pm - 07.03.2020

I have been making posts recently on the topic of changing for the better... And while I am certainly trying it is far from easy. [p]You don't realize how often hateful thoughts run through your mind until you have been forced to try to identify these thoughts as a problem. Negative thoughts are so frequent and natural, it can actually be quite the challenge to keep them in check.[/p] [p]Just the other day, Ailos was telling me the fact that his partner had shared something very important and personal with him as a milestone in their relationship. Rather than congratulatory thoughts, my first thoughts were of concern that his partner, Kaladrea, was becoming more active. Kaladrea is about the only Dragon I have ever had any level of respect for even before any attempts to change my ways, and yet my impulse to react to news of her was to jump to these negative thoughts. Simply because she is a dragon, I tried to twist something negative out of what should be good news. It is shameful to admit the effort it took to recognize these thoughts for what they are and bite them back before I spoke them aloud.[/p] [p]To say you want to change and be better is one thing, to commit to that change is another. Will there ever be a time in which old hatred is not so prevalent in my mind? I do not know[/p]

09:37 am - 09.02.2020

You can't even travel to visit someone these days without running across news of the immeneint apocalypse.

09:16 am - 09.02.2020

[p]So it's been a rough couple days and I have had a lot to think about[/p] [p]I've had my world turned upside down pretty abruptly and things aren't exactly going well... None the less it's given me the mental clarity to realize my mistakes and the slippery slope I've lived through.[/p] [p]It can be a rough pill to swallow, realizing you made a mistake. A mistake that has done damage to people other than just you... I haven't been a person worth the faith that was put in me, not for a very long time. Truth be told, I may never be worthy of calling myself a good person, much less a hero.[/p] [p]at the very least, I want to try. Try to fix my mistakes. Try to be a better person... Try to stop being so hateful against dragons... Not an easy task, but I'll make it a conscious effort.[/p]

03:51 am - 04.02.2020

I haven't posted in awhile because Ingvar took a bite out of my phone. A literal bite and said it was crunchy. fuck my life

02:14 am - 04.02.2020

Emotions are hard and relationships more so. Damn it all, Why is everything so complicated. A little bit of peace? is that too much to ask?

02:09 am - 04.02.2020

Is it too much to want a straight answer now and then? Perhaps I could be talked down for a murderous rampage if someone just sat me down and told me the truth

01:51 pm - 18.01.2020

The longer you live, the more your Ideals become corrupt over time. This is why I like the shorter lived races, while not immune to corruption, their ideals are more... Pure in form, living in the moment, unburdened by decades or centuries of obsessive thought. [p]We Elves tend to get a little... Stuck in our own heads in our later years. Assured that whatever we think is right, must be. Less open to change... And the things that live longer than Elves... Well I rarely would dare to trust them[/p]

04:04 pm - 15.07.2019

Dragon slaying has no downsides, is incredibly profitable, and should be considered a public service. I will not be convinced otherwise.

02:14 am - 15.07.2019

Noticing a trend that most problems that are solved by dragons were usually caused by dragons

03:24 pm - 12.07.2019

Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is also my enemy

01:28 pm - 12.07.2019

I've been carrying the same bow for over 80 years now and it has served me quite well... But for the life of me I can't remember how I got it. just woke up one day in a pile of garbage behind a Tavern with a massive hangover and an enchanted bow. Might have stolen it now that I think about it...

03:30 pm - 30.06.2019

I have a sword that is an ancient relic of my people, weilder by a great Hero of my kind. If the previous owner could see what it gets used to stab, I can't decide if they would be disgusted or laughing hysterically.

04:27 am - 22.06.2019

Got assaulted by a dog and my face pounded in, fun day as usual

04:23 am - 22.06.2019

Been trying to make sense of my personal history... It is not going great...

09:59 pm - 16.06.2019

Beryl Reaper... What a dumb name. Beryllium isn't even blue most of the time

06:31 pm - 15.06.2019

Realistically, would there be that much of an impact to Dragons going extinct? what exact niche do they fill that some other pseudo-immortal or god couldn't fill in their absence? Most of them already try to not interfere with mortals unless they are actively slaughtering or enslaving them. No natural predators. If anything they are a bane on their local ecosystem as several species have a habit of overeating to the point they have to hibernate for a decade or so to allow the wildlife to replenish. [p]Just saying, but I think we can do without them[/p]

05:47 pm - 12.06.2019

Nothing quite makes you want to take a running leap into a volcano like working with the Wardens of the Wayward

01:38 am - 08.06.2019

APoF 55: Cost of Dissent

01:27 am - 08.06.2019

APoF 55: Cost of Dissent

11:24 pm - 07.06.2019

Do you guys ever get to the point in your adventuring Career where you'd really just like to go back to hunting rats in a sewer for like a weekend? Like, getting real tired of having the fate of a Nation on your back and beating up primeval forces of nature. Just need a break...

03:38 pm - 07.06.2019

Never understood why people seem to think Dragons hang out in dungeons. Most 'dungeons' or underground complexes aren't built with the sheer size of dragons in mind and those that are probably aren't in good enough condition for a dragon to willingly inhabit. I'm sure there are fringe cases where said pre-built lair was convenient, but this shouldn't be considered the norm.

11:04 pm - 05.06.2019

Lightning is something profoundly terrifying. It comes when the Sky is dark, when Rain is beating down. After it comes the thunder, booming through the air. For something that lasts less than a second, it splits the night like a flash of sunlight and obliterates anything in it's path. Of all the things in nature, Lightning most certainly feels like the wrath of a god. [p]in this world, there are several creatures that can create lightning... But few compare to natural lightning. Cheap imitations with one exception. To see Lightning from the mouth of a Blue Dragon, that is a force of nature at work... And it is terrifying [/p]

01:39 pm - 03.06.2019

As a self proclaimed Dragon Expert I can just kind of claim anything and it usually can't be truly proven false unless you cut a dragon open to find out. [p]Fuck it. Dragons are secretly piloted by bees. They're big enough. Full of secrets... And bees.[/p]

12:15 am - 02.06.2019

What's a good way to make money really fast that isn't murder

01:04 pm - 31.05.2019

Dragon Fact 20: [p] Although I've spoken before of the Brass Dragon's love of conversation, it should be noted that Copper Dragons are the best entertainers. Among dragon kind they tend to hold a reputation of trickesters and jokesters, but overall they are seen as fairly benign, only wishing to impress others with their cleverness and wit.[/p] [p] reportedly, the Copper Dragons love to invite those that it considers guests into their labyrinthine lairs to the point that the lairs are usually centered around a large entertainment chamber built for the comfort of the dragon and it's guests. The hospitality of Copper dragons is apparently legendary, providing food, drink, and being great hosts... However if the dragon think it's guests aren't impressed with it's jokes, stories, and tricks then it can see this as a great insult.[/p] #DragonFacts

07:56 pm - 29.05.2019

When living in a world of gods and monsters, it is very easy to feel like you are little more than a piece in some grand game... I'll tell you now, I don't care for that feeling one bit

03:21 pm - 29.05.2019

It is very easy to find purpose in a goal, good or bad. A goal can keep you going, give you reason to grow, and at times that goal is the reason you've bothered to live this long... But there comes a point where the idea of completing that goal... becomes intimidating. [p]After you complete the goal that has given your life meaning... what will you have left?[/p]

03:20 pm - 29.05.2019

Heard a story about two Dragons that invaded a circus and captured the two fortune tellers. The first dragon cooked his fortune teller with his fiery breath because he liked his food well done. The second Dragon didn't bother with fire before chowing down, he preferred his Medium Rare. [p]the joke is that Dragons are terrible [/p]

03:46 am - 29.05.2019

What do you get when a dragon sneezes? [p][i]Out of the Way[/i][/p]

03:00 am - 29.05.2019

Quick tip for Identifying Dragons in the field. You can actually identify the color of some dragons without even seeing them, going purely off hearing them speak. [p]For example. If you hear a Dragon saying that it wants all of your stuff, that dragon may be [i]Green with envy[/i][/p]

02:58 am - 29.05.2019

I've offered before to give talks on my field of expertise at various scholarly institutions across the Dominion. Sadly nobody wants to hear a lecture on Draconic Biology for fear that it may [i]Drag-on[/i] for tar too long.

02:55 am - 29.05.2019

Isn't it weird how a lot of people see druids, wood elves, and other naturey types and they think we don't eat meat? Humans are the worst about these kind of assumptions. Like... Why wouldn't we unless we are from a race that can't digest meat. I know for a fact we wood elves are omnivores and druids can literally turn into most carnivores on the face of the planet. [p]"But I thought you all respected nature" yeah, If i respected nature too much to eat it now and then, what the fuck would I be able to eat? sunlight? Fuck off and let me eat my jerky in peace[/p]

12:05 am - 29.05.2019

If it wasn't clear, I collect information on Dragon kind's and study when with the intention of slaying them. I'd greatly prefer the overgrown lizards go extinct so I could move on with my life, maybe retire to write trashy romance novels or something.

09:59 pm - 28.05.2019

Dragon Fact 19: [p]Like snakes and some reptiles, Dragons have the ability to unhinge their jaws. It is not a trait that they show off very often, primarily only for occasionally biting foes of enormous size and for eating creatures too tough to be torn apart into manageable chunks (I will eventually go into detail on Dragon kind's powerful metabolism). Due to the rarity in which this ability is displayed, it is assumed to be quite painful or unpleasant for the Dragon to have to stretch their throat muscles to swallow such large objects.[/p] #DragonFacts

02:07 pm - 28.05.2019

It still weirds me out that this 'God-Emperor' has been in power for a century or two, is apparently egotistical enough to throw a big ass party to celebrate a new alliance... But nobody seems to know what this person looks like? Not even a statue. Shit makes me paranoid. If I'm right about what I'm thinking then I'll eat my quiver.

01:49 pm - 28.05.2019

Ingvar has spent the last 10 minutes explaining that Pigs [i]do fly[/i] and something about them using their tails to grab things. I hope I never go to the Ekhenda on the off chance that he isn't actually making this shit up.

11:43 pm - 27.05.2019

Dragon Fact 18: [p] Stories of Bronze Dragons and their interactions with the mortal races are... To be perfectly honest, quite confusing and hard to separate fact from fiction. This is primarily due to Bronze Dragons heavy use of their natural ability to polymorph that they use so frequently some scholars believe that they actually prefer to be in any body [i]other[/i] than their true Draconic form. Due to this, many people may encounter a Bronze Dragon and would never know.[/p] [p] Between this and the Dragon's personal ideals, tales of interaction get muddled. There are often tales that claim great heroes to have been Bronze Dragons in disguise, as they are inclined to eliminate evil but prefer to not show their true colors. Similarly there are tales of them taking the form of the frail and weak with the intention to test the charity and good nature of other races... Not that there is a point to doing it other than perhaps the Dragon's satisfaction, as no records show instances of the dragon ever paying back the kindness it is shown, although they will absolutely take vengeance if they are wronged [/p] #DragonFacts

11:38 pm - 27.05.2019

You guys ever just have one of those days where you lay around and remember that you recently learned every thing you believed and based your life around for the last century or so is a lie constructed of altered and removed memories, being crushed by the staggering realization that nothing you know is true, you have no foundation, and the reality of your situation is as frightening as it is unknown? Cuz I'm having one of those days

01:38 am - 27.05.2019

Dragon Fact 17: [p]Of the known varieties of true dragons, Blue Dragons have the most unique skull structure having developed a single large rhino like horn. It is hard to say at what point in the evolutionary chain they may have broken off to develop such a drastically different style of horn, that is if you believe in the theory of Draconic evolution having started with a common ancestor rather than having been created as is by magic. It should also be noted that despite the horn being a single structure, Blue Dragon horns have 2 points, the main large point and a smaller prong behind it. If a Blue Dragon lacks this second point on their horn, it should be considered a birth defect[/p] [p]If this secondary point has some kind of biological purpose, I was never able to get him to say so.[/p] #DragonFacts

01:47 pm - 26.05.2019

So the revolution went well. Killed the Noble's personal guard and then the peasants just had a field day taking their anger out on the nobles... Sure a few hundred soldiers poured through a magic gate as soon as we left and the town is probably under martial law... But I think we did okay

03:07 pm - 25.05.2019

Dragon Fact 16: [p] several breeds of dragon are known to occasionally hibernate. They can remain in a state of sleep for years at a time by dropping their metabolic rate and subsisting on the natural magic they can absorb.[/p] [p]The reasons for this are many. Occasionally it is to survive periods of famine without having to relocate (Famine often caused by the creature over hunting), grieving the loss of a lover, recovering from a battle, or even just plain boredom. Although all true dragons are capable of this, very few do it for extended periods of time. Records seem to indicate that the average hibernation period is usually only 5 to 10 years at a time, although they are capable of maintaining this state for centuries if need be.[/p] [p]Green Dragons actually have a reputation for sleeping the longest, the average for their hibernation actually being between 20 to 40 years. Green Dragon's will often wake up to find entire communities have been built up in their territory during their slumber... Of course, a Green Dragon is always happy to have a new 'toy' to play with[/p] #Dragonfacts

01:13 pm - 25.05.2019

We were supposed to be planning our next move, spent about 5 minutes talking about wine instead

11:54 pm - 24.05.2019

Feeling cute today, might start a revolution

10:50 pm - 24.05.2019

Dragon Fact 15: [p]while at a glance, many would assume Dragons to be reptiles, they are actually a classification unto themselves, bearing traits of both reptiles and mammals. The most obvious fact of this is their build. Dragons have their four primary limbs directly beneath them, rather than splayed to the sides as reptiles are built. Specifically the torso and hindquarters of a dragon is built more like that of a feline. There have been studies that show the body language and gait of dragons to be highly reminiscent of large predatory felines like lions or tigers. Contrary, the neck and tail of the dragon is built in a manner similar to snakes, with a high range of flexibility and muscle power behind it, making their tails formidable weapons.[/p] [p] Dangerous on both ends and crafty in the middle [/p] #Dragonfacts

01:15 pm - 24.05.2019

Dragon Fact 14: [p]This comes from something of personal experience, but is well supported by evidence. The greatest power of the Blue Dragon is not its Flight, its physical strength, or even its lightning breath. The thing that can make Blue Dragons a terrifying foe is their patience and strategic mind.[/p] [p]Blue Dragons are willing to wait years or decades for things to fall into their plans, making them master strategists. In War, they are willing to maintain a siege for weeks if that is what it takes to break a city. When dealing with mortals they are perfectly content to keep up an act for years on end to guide a person into doing what they want. While not as naturally manipulative as Green Dragons tend to be, they are patient and calculating, treating everything from a conversation to a battle like a delicate game of chess that they want nothing more than to win and are willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to make that victory happen.[/p] [p]Take my advice. Never completely trust a Blue Dragon, I don't care if you've known them since you were a child. You are not but a blip on the radar of their existence, and once you serve your purpose, you will be killed or cast aside.[/p] #Dragonfacts

12:39 am - 24.05.2019

Hey kids, lets commit a crime. [p] I need some ideas on rumors about Nobles to piss off the local commoners, hit me with your best[/p]

11:19 pm - 23.05.2019

Dragon Fact 13: [p]Brass Dragons, or as I call them, Chatty Dragons are well known for their love of conversation above all else. The typical Brass Dragon is usually a fluent speaker of dozens to hundreds of different languages and dialects depending on their age and how far they have traveled, but naturally they prefer to speak in their native Draconic when possible. They mostly just want to talk and be talked to, be it stories, debate, or even just conversation. The dragons enjoy it so much that they are willing to engage with anyone, even their enemies, in hours of conversation if possible.[/p] [p]A similar caution as with the post about Silver dragons. Once you start chatting up a Brass Dragon, its very hard to stop before the Dragon has had its 'fill' of conversation. If you try to leave before the Dragon is satisfied with the length of your conversation or cut off abruptly, the Dragon rarely takes it well. I have heard stories of Brass Dragons catching people and burying them up to their necks just to force the person to keep talking to them[/p] #Dragonfacts

09:46 pm - 23.05.2019

I am a very good hunter, between my skills and magical goodberries, I can bring in a lot of food to keep my party fed... But I struggle to get enough food to fill Ingvar's stomach... Even then I don't think it's possible for to be full

06:55 pm - 23.05.2019

Dragon Fact 12: [p]I have mentioned before the Silver Dragon's interest in the lives of mortal races, particularly human and Elf. This fascination of their going to be he point of taking humaniod form and living among us in disguise to experience our lives, culture, and cuisine.[/p] [p]Through my readings of many educational texts and historical documents I have noticed a less well known aspect of our lives that Silver Dragons have a particular fondness for. This would be our humor, Silver dragons seem to adore our humor, especially puns. A quick track to getting into a silver dragon's good Grace's is with a well timed joke, a fact that I'm sure has saved many a bard[/p] [p]A word of caution though, once you start trading jokes with a silver dragon, you must be prepared for the avalanche of bad jokes to follow [/p]

03:23 pm - 23.05.2019

It annoys me to no end when beings like gods, immortals, and [i]Dragons[/i] make up these dumb 'non-interference' pacts. Beings of great power always decide that 'for the greater good' they must not engage with we tiny mortals, to avoid disaster from their meddling, to let mortals figure out their own problems. [p]This never works because despite their intent, nobody actually upholds the pact! Ever! Eventually some cosmic horror decides to do the conga over the mortal plane or some godly entity outright breaks the rules to cause some fresh hot chaos. Then the 'good immortals' decide that they can't be bothered to 1hit KO this threat because of 'the rules' and mortals suffer. Non-interference is such a crock of shit, even the ones that follow the rules break them, guiding groups of mortals , giving them magic and weapons... But it's suddenly okay because it was the mortal's choice, never mind you set them on that path[/p] [p]imagine how fucking productive we could be if the powers at work could figure out the incredibly complex mortal trait that is common sense[/p]

02:11 pm - 23.05.2019

Dragon fact 11: [p]White Dragons are generally considered to be dull in comparison to other true dragons, acting far more beastial and simple than other breeds. This is mostly misconception. In truth, White dragons are equally intelligent as other breeds and are known to actually have some of the best long term memories among known dragon breeds. They are able to remember events with perfect clarity down to exact details decades or even centuries after the event, especially if they hold a grudge over it.[/p] [p]The reason for their reputation as being dull is mostly due to the fact that they simply don't care as much, preferring to act purely on instinct. If someone else has something they want, a White dragon won't waste time to manipulate, negotiate, or even talk to get it, they simply take it. White Dragons tend to simply see lesser creatures as prey, and you don't talk to prey.[/p] #Dragonfacts

11:35 am - 23.05.2019

What's the point of having a sentient magic item that screams into your brain all day if the white noise of your brain doesn't protect you from psychic effects

11:32 pm - 22.05.2019

Vengeance is a tricky thing. In the end, are you angry at the person that stole from you; or at yourself for not being able to stop them.

03:09 pm - 22.05.2019

Dragon Fact 10: [p]Many dragons prefer access to water in their lairs, often to the point of having their lairs partially or fully submerged. The Black Dragon almost exclusively lairs in deep swamps and bogs. They enjoy the deep murky water, thick trees, and pungent plant life, all of which helps to conceal them while hunting. Although perfectly happy in bog water, which can be lightly acidic naturally and becomes more so due to the Dragon's habitation, Black Dragons are actually highly adverse to Salt water. While not harming them, it can apparently irritate their scales like a bad rash.[/p] [p]I must remember to see if this carries over to Black Dragonborn as well[/p] #DragonFacts

02:31 pm - 22.05.2019

Dragon Fact 9: [p]An observation I have picked up over years of study of records observing dragons, stories, and some first hand experience is that Dragons have quite unique opinions on food. Of course, they are primarily carnivores (despite being capable of digesting most anything), but each breed tends to have a particular method of 'cooking' its meal.[/p] [p]Some notable examples:[/p] [p] - Gold Dragons have a habit of hunting large and generally dangerous beasts, but supplement their diet with Gems and Pearls [/p] [p] - Silver Dragons are quite unique in that rather than hunting, they have a fixation with mortal cooking, particularly human cuisine, and have been known to take human form to get into banquets and feasts[/p] [p] - Black Dragons are said to have a fondness for Sentient Life when eating, supposedly finding Fae creatures to be a delicacy... this is unconfirmed and likely exaggeration. It is known that they enjoy dragging their food to the bottom of the swamp to rot, apparently enjoying the texture and flavor of putrefied meat[/p] [p] - White dragons, somewhat predictably, enjoy their food to be frozen solid. Lov the Cronch[/p] [p] - Coming from a ... somewhat reliable source, Blue Dragons enjoy their meat 'Nice and charred but not all the way through, ever so gently kissed by Lightning"[/p] #DragonFacts

02:07 am - 22.05.2019

... Viper's post reminded me that I haven't seen Magpie for about 20 minutes, that probably a sign of impending disaster

10:24 pm - 21.05.2019

Of the many things that I have learned about Dragonkind, there is one fact that I am happy to Debunk. It is well known that the majority of True Dragon species on record are generally divided into two groups based on scale color and texture, Metallic and Chromatic (with a few outliers of rare breeds). It was once believed that this typing could be used to predict the Dragon's moral alignment with Chromatics tending to be morally evil or chaotic while metallics are typically lawful or good. [p]I am quite confident in saying that this is false. While some personality traits are prevalent in the various colors, all dragons are capable of having their own unique morals and personalities. There is only one constant among Dragonkind, and that is that they are all massive Assholes[/p]

02:08 am - 21.05.2019

Of the many aspects of our plan that will be dangerous, I'm sure the most difficult will be getting Ingvar into a shirt. We may have to sacrifice Ailos to make it happen, Stranger give us strength.

11:55 am - 20.05.2019

Not my usual style of outfit, but we have a party to sneak into... anyone have tips on how to sneak a longbow and quiver into a formal event?

01:33 am - 20.05.2019

Dragon fact #8: Although the natural magic that practically leaks out of all true dragons is known to alter the environment around their lairs, this is most notable with Green Dragons. Green Dragons have a unique effect on the natural forests around them, their mere presence resulting in the growth of poisonous plant life and can even cause local animals to act in defense of the green dragon's territory. Nature will literally bend around the dragon as it walks through the forest, aiding the dragon in moving silently through the woods. When a Green Dragon dies, this effect continues, causing plant life to flourish around the site of it's corpse for years after it's demise. [p]Hope to see such a grave myself one day[/p]

12:17 pm - 19.05.2019

I have heard rumors that the flesh of Red Dragons is naturally spicy. This is probably just a myth, but I hope one day to test it

12:01 pm - 19.05.2019

Despite the fact that I hold great contempt for almost all the beings that use it, there is something comforting and familiar about the Draconic language. Perhaps it's just nostalgia.

01:34 am - 19.05.2019

Just so we are clear. Fuck dragons but do not [i]Fuck[/i] dragons

02:04 pm - 18.05.2019

Dragon fact #7: wyverns are not true dragons but I studied them in the mountains for six years so I'll talk about them anyway. All wyvern, despite being completely immune to their own poison, can only stomach the taste and smell of their personal supply and are revolted by the poison of other Wyvern. Thusly, they spray poison to mark their territory, claim food, and even fight. Wyverns fight by slapping at each other like idiots with their claws while trying to spray poison into the mouth of their opponent, kind of like two drunkards fighting by trying to projectile vomit into the other's mouth... Why did I waste six years studying these things?

01:19 pm - 18.05.2019

Among Elves and other similarly long lived races, there is an issue that I feel we all have experienced but don't tend to talk about. That would be the situation that comes from hooking up with other races like Humans or Orc. Weirdly common that you'll be chatting up a potential fling for the evening and in the middle of conversation you realize that they are the child or grandchild of an ex you dated like 50 years ago. Does anyone have tips on navigating your way out of the conversation without outright saying "sorry this is just too weird because I fucked your grandma?"

01:12 pm - 18.05.2019

Going to the future, I can think of few decisions I will probably regret more than suggesting that Magpie take the front on getting into the Emperor's party. There is just.... so... so much that can and will go wrong

05:42 am - 18.05.2019

When caught at a moral crossroad, always take the path that results in your drinking enough to get hopelessly lost

05:39 am - 18.05.2019

Dragon fact #6: Among the various species of dragonkind, there are no pair of dragons that hate each other quite as much as Reds and Silvers. Prone to similar territories, holding drastically different lifestyles and moral opinions, and Dragons typically being temperamental dicks lead to these two breeds coming into violent contact with one another frequently. As a note of interest, despite the Red dragons being the larger and naturally stronger breed, they almost always lose to Silver dragons. This is because Silver Dragons will gather the help of adventuring parties and similar heroes to aid in these fights.... because apparently they can't be assed to fight fair

05:34 am - 18.05.2019

Dragon fact #5: When Bronze Dragons are young, they have a tendency to take mortal disguises and explore the world as adventurers... because apparently the lives of us mortal races are a novelty.

05:28 am - 18.05.2019

Dragon fact #4: Historically, Blue Dragons have been noted as some of the most boring to hunt. Their powerful wings and large lungs enable them to stay airborne for days on end, with hunters having to pursue them on horseback over vast deserts. I, personally, would enjoy this greatly

02:15 pm - 17.05.2019

Dragon fact #3: Red dragons are naturally the largest breed of dragon and have the most dangerous breath weapon among dragon kind. This is because they are full of hot air.

02:07 pm - 17.05.2019

Note to self: do not party with Dwarves. Ever.

01:58 pm - 17.05.2019

I'm kick that crannberry in the dick. Blue bastard hate u fucking dragons always ruinin life. Lizard botches

01:57 pm - 17.05.2019

Ah just mist them soemtfihf you know? I loove fire aleee

01:55 pm - 17.05.2019

Dragon fact #2: the longevity and nigh-immortality of dragons is due to the development of a special crystal called a 'Heart of Hearts' they grow in their body by consuming Arcane crystals. It contains their soul and is a well of arcane energy. A dragon can survive if it's body is destroyed, as long as it's heart remains, as of the current era, the knowledge of how to destroy one of these hearts is virtually unknown... So far

01:49 pm - 17.05.2019

Dragon fact #1: While there are many species under the umbrella term of Dragon, only a select few are considered true Dragons. The primary trait that sets them apart is how they age. While most species reach a peak and them deteriorate or plateau in power, wisdom, and ability over time, True dragons continue to constantly rise, growing older and stronger... Which is bullshit #Dragonfacts

01:40 pm - 17.05.2019

Sadida joins the ranks of Heroes!

Sadida enters the scene of legendary heroes! Welcome to the family of the Eternals!

01:12 pm - 17.05.2019
Played by
Derek Rogers

Other Characters by DCRogers