Chica Malia | World Anvil

Chica Malia

Smuggler, pilot, and rogue.

Campaign & Party

Played by
Brianna Siobhan Healey

I am a trans writer who is trying to bring trans issues to the forefront in order to bring awareness to them.

Thu 3rd Jun 2021 03:22

Well Thanks to Xsosa

by Chica Malia

It is official I am pregnant. At least the father knows they are his. Also, the rest of the group now knows as well. I am having a full clutch of six. Apparently one of them is force sensitive, which is going to be fun. I fear Xsosa may end up spending more time training younglings than helping with the missions. But this can be a good thing since we could use all the extra help.
Now I need to find a house husband to care for the little ones, preferably more than one if I can arrange things. At least Sullustan males understand the culture. I am going to need to explain things to Cassius so he too will understand that our species is matriarchal in that the clan is run by the mother. More so in that the mother has the say over the children and how they are raised. I am going to need to figure out just how to set up the clan for the benefit of my children and my husbands. Normally other females are not part of the clan but I am going to need to include Xsosa and Mel. They are part of my clan and therefore will have a say about the children as well.

Chica's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Chica's history, from the beginning to today.

Well Thanks to Xsosa

It is official I am pregnant. At least the father knows they are his. Also, the rest of the group now knows as well. I am having a full clutch of six. Apparently one of them is force sensitive, which is going to be fun. I fear Xsosa may end up spend...

03:22 am - 03.06.2021

Oh Crap.... No Surprises... I have made such a mess!

I just found out that Cassius doesn't like surprises. If things have gone the way I hope they did I am going to have a surprise for him that is going to destroy us in all likelihood. I know I am not going to live forever and I figured if I was going t...

04:29 am - 20.05.2021

Where there's a way the universe will mess with you

Why is it that I am so quiet and shy? The guy I was developing feelings for is taken but that is all my own fault. I mean what would he ever see in me anyway. I am not glamourous like Mel, nor am I exotic like Zhosa. I am just a chubby little Sulustan...

04:07 am - 29.04.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Chica.

Played by
Brianna Siobhan Healey

I am a trans writer who is trying to bring trans issues to the forefront in order to bring awareness to them.

Other Characters by SiobhantheWriter