Losing The Darkness by Moony1 | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

Chapter 81

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Invisible from the top of the giant structure. The buildings from afar are covered with snow, but there are still a few lights that shined brightly from the windows of the skyscrapers.

It is beautiful and memorizing in nighttime, especially with the clear sky of stars above and the moon shining bright in the horizon; however, it is a bit chilly with the wind blowing and biting at our faces like icy blades. We are somehow dressed warmly though, but we always still feel the chill.

“Amazing,” Eve looked out of her seat, staring at the city below as if it were a wonderland. It is a beautiful sight to behold, but for the two of us, it is a little different.

For instance, we are a couple on the same ride, but it is a private compartment with only two seats. There was no privacy whatsoever. Plus, it is not a normal ride—it’s a ferris wheel that has the cars moving in circles.

Although, we do not mind it because it is a romantic date. Even if there is no privacy and there is a stranger in the next car, it is worth it. For the time being, it is enough for the both of us to be together.

“Adam…” she whispered; perhaps not realizing how loud it was. Her voice was soft and sweet, “I know that you have phobia of being touched by women, but do you think it is okay if—””Eve, it is fine.” I cut off her sentence before it could continue, although it made me a little embarrassed. She is the one that initiated me to touch, not wanting to hurt me in anyway. If it is only once in a while and not a constant thing, then it is perhaps okay.

She carefully and gently touch my hand.

When our fingers entangle, I try to hold the fear and dread that is boiling up inside of me, but it was like a bucket of ice water was poured on it. My body was frozen stiff. I felt nothing but the coldness of the metal bar holding the carriage. All I could do was to stare blankly into space, watching the scenery of the city pass by.

Breathing in and out at a rapid pace, especially seeing my fearful and trembling form; Eve immediately let of her hand in guilt from causing such a reaction from me, yelling in panic, “Adam! Oh my god, I’m sorry. Are you alright?” 

Her hands over her own mouth, shocked and frightened of what had happened between the both of us. However, in truth, I should have expected this. It is my fault, not hers; I don’t want her to blame herself for this mistake.

“Eve, I’m fine. Just need to take a breather,” I spoke as calmly as possible.

Yet, even though everything was under control, my voice was shaky and weak. With eyes closed tight and head down, a sigh escaped my lips, “don’t worry, it’s not your fault Eve. I should be the one apologizing here. You didn’t force yourself on me. So please, stop worrying about it. Besides, it is not as bad as it looks. When it happens, it feels like an electric shock…”

Eve glared down on her feet, ashamed and guilty for causing such a response in me and for causing this awkward moment for myself and for her.

A silent tension filled the air. Both of us were quiet for a while—just breathing quietly.

Coughing to break the awkward silence between us, “hey, atleast we have each other, right?” I said to change the subject; trying to lighten the mood.

She smiled with a slight blush on her face, “yes, you are correct. Despite your phobia, we love each other. We can be together forever. No matter how far away from each other in time or distance. That is what matters the most to me. Even if it is just us of only two people in this world, that is enough for me,” Eve’s smile was warm and comforting.

I sighed again as relief washed over me.

With a small laugh and chuckle, Eve continued, “now that we are together, maybe it won’t be so lonely anymore?” She paused before adding, “…that is if you still want to be with me.”

Huh? Of course I want to be with her?!

“What are you saying, Eve? I definitely still want to be with you. You are the love of my life,” I replied with a soft tone in my voice and a gentle look in my eye. As I said those words, our ride finished its journey and stopped in front of the gate leading back to the amusement park; crowded with people walking around. We step out of the vehicle and onto solid ground without any further words.

Walking along side with Eve in this busy night, the amusement park is bustling with activity like always, yet, the atmosphere was different than usual. People seem to be in a hurry to get home, and they are not in a partying mood. There is no music playing or people dancing around, and the rides are not running.

Something feels off and even she could tell something was wrong. It felt tense around here, but why? What happened? Is it because of the blizzard? Or is it because of the alien? Did it cause an accident?

Our questions came to mind as the crowd moved past us; everyone appeared to be in a rush to leave the area. They all appeared to be worried about something heading into our way. And it appears that their worries became ours when screaming and shouting could be heard from a distance.

Bloody organs and torn limbs are flying around in the air as something or someone is single-handedly butchering innocent people like it is nothing. Blood splattered everywhere, and the screams of the dying and wounded are drowned in the deafening sounds of…little girl?

Standing in silence, we merely were shocked to seeing a child no less than ten is brutally killing and devouring fleeing pedestrians. Before we can move, the little girl runs towards the nearest victim. With a sharp kick, she slams the unsuspecting woman to the ground, then jumps on top of the corpse, ripping out the intestines from the body before biting deep into the exposed flesh.

Then she noticed us, grinning childishly; blood dripping from her mouth. A wet thud sounded as the bloody mass landed on the floor. Her eyes narrowed to a wicked smile before waving at us with the woman’s intestine, “hiya! My name is Lilim; it is a pleasure to meet you two!” She giggles like an insane lunatic, holding the severed organ as if it was a toy.

Lilim…Lilim? Why does that name sound familiar? It reminds of-


Eve’s quick thinking saved me from getting lunged on and torn to be pieced by throwing herself onto me, landing on the pavement ground in tight embrace, “run and hide, I’ll take care of her!” She yelled before getting up and rushing toward Lilim with knives at either hand.

Doing what she said, I hid behind a nearby statue, hoping my invisibility skill was enough to conceal me. Putting my head out to the open in a desperate attempt to watch Eve in safe distance; but, all that can be seen is her and Lilim fighting each other to the death.

“Wow miss! Your fast!” The little girl taunted, throwing kicks and punches toward her as Eve easily dodge her moves.Not knowing if it is a trick, or the fact that this is a young girl, but the battle between these two is too much to be a mere fight. Every time a punch was thrown, a kick was delivered, or a strike was blocked—a loud slash followed through the girl’s neck and limbs; decapitating and disemboweling the poor kid.

Lilim fell on the ground, her limbs torn and head rolling around the concrete.

We thought it was finished- but, we were wrong in our assumption. Just within a few seconds, her own blood suddenly sprouted from her missing limbs and head; growing back in a matter of minutes.

In completion, she stood up with a pouting expression on her face, “no need to be so rough miss!” Lilim complained before snickering, “it was fun playing with you, wasn’t it?” The tiny girl asked. Then, she tilted her head in curiosity, “do you have a name?”

Eve coldly replied with a glare of pure hate. Not even bothering to look at the monster that is now standing from afar. “I am Eve, a former assassin and a woman who is deeply in love with the man I will protect; the only thing that matters to me is protecting him from anyone or anything that may harm him.”

A slight smile formed on Lilim’s lips as if amused by this statement, “I like your spirit Miss Eve, though it is sad that you are not the man of his dreams…”

Her eyes widen when Lilim’s right arm morphed into transparent and bloody, huge head of growling monstrous dog with many sharp fangs.Eve’s body stiffened from fear, shaking from side to side. For in her whole years, she never fought something this… this unnatural. Her hands began to tremble and sweat drop from her forehead. She was unsure of how to deal with this little girl. If it was a normal human, there was a high chance of killing it or incapacitating it somehow.

But the way this girl does and fights; Lilim style of fighting isn’t human. In fact, everything about her is beyond human or mutant at that point.

What she is dealing with is a monster in form of an innocent child.

“Aww, don’t be scared! I’m sure my doggy will treat you quite nicely, I promise!” Lilim giggled, releasing her beast towards he with the same speed and ferocity of a wolf, it lunged forward with its mouth wide open, ready to bite and swallow Eve whole—but, before it could reach out for her, she quickly dodged as anticipated.

Lilim grew impatient,”it’s not fair! You keep dodging and killing me over and over again. But I am unable even to hurt or touch you?! Why?!” She shouted angrily, retracting her arm back to its normal state.

Eve sighs in an irritated manner, “you don’t get it, do you monster? Every move you plan, I can see and tell what will happen. Lilim, you will never defeat me and I cannot kill you. How about we both agree to stop this silly game and let us leave?”

She angrily stomp on her ground, raising her arm at me instead with opened palm, “grr! If I can’t defeat you, then I will kill him instead!” Before Eve could come and rescue me at the fastest speed she can pull of, Lilim quickly closed her fist; expecting something to happen.

But nothing happen.”W-what? How are you not dead?!” The girl exclaimed in confusion.

Seeing no point in hiding, I step out and approach before standing just a few miles away from each other, resulting Eve to yell at me, “Adam! Go and hide! You are going to get yourself killed!” She ordered with a stern voice. It appeared like she was afraid of having me face off with the young girl.

Suddenly, the girl’s face became bright red as if angry. With a look of utter disbelief and horror, she stared at me with bloodshot eyes, “impossible! simply not fair! When I closed my fist, your whole body should be exploded into pieces…but nothing happened!”

Lilim knelt on the ground, disbelief, shock and defeat written all over her face.

Seeing this golden opportunity, Eve run at my side; urging me to leave when we have the chance, “come on, let’s get out of here when she is distracted, Adam!”

The little girl immediately froze as her whole head raised to look at me with her bloodshot and tearful eyes, “your…Adam?” She spoke in a trembling loud whisper. Her gaze was different, not fear or anger-just something more human.

She knows my name? And in addition, the kid also has a similar name to Lilith. Could it be…

“Yeah, that is my name. Do you also know someone with the name…” Shit it is hard to say it, it always hurts mentioning that bitch. However, what choice do I have?


My throat felt like it is full of cotton balls; it was so dry and scratch. A cold sweat trickled down my back. My palms became clammy when I said it before quickly dissipates in manner seconds.

Unexpectedly, she smiled in a warm, comforting and gentle smile. Despite how horrified and disgusted how she killed those innocent people, the kid did not flinch. With a sudden flash, she embraced me, releasing a sentence that made me fall unconscious.


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