Losing The Darkness by Moony1 | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

Chapter 1

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“Were home~”

Lilith says in a cheerful tone, holding my hand as we walk across the night of this village. My feet are bare as the snowflakes fall onto us, melting on our skin as it slowly melts. The sky is pitch-black, but the moon is full and bright, illuminating the landscape around. No one is around but us, the two of us walking together, hand in hand.

I look at Lilith’s face as the moonlight shines on it. Her eyes are closed, a slight smile on her lips as if she is enjoying this moment. But something tells me a sinister plot lurks within those pretty red irises of hers. My mind is clouded, confused as to why a beautiful and charming woman is saving me from my death. Why is it that a stranger, a female no less, is helping a useless kid like me?

As I ponder, she opens her eyes and looks at me with a wicked grin, stopping in place. “What is wrong,” her gentle voice is replaced with an unusual change of pitch, almost as if it sounds threatening. “Why are you so quiet?”

I swallow the lump that has formed in the back of my throat as I answer, “Nothing…”

She smiles again, “That is odd, since your silence is bothering me. How about we just get to the point and head to my house, hmm?”

I.. I do not like the sound of that. But what can I do? I should not trust strangers, but she saved my life or so it appears. Maybe Lilith was not a bad person after all? “Sure, let us go,” I said in my uncertain voice.

We continued to walk for a few more minutes until we finally arrived at a big, wooden door.

“Here it is,” she smiled brightly.

Her house is similar to the other wooden buildings in this village as its structure’s appearance is simple, yet elegant. There are windows on both sides of the building, allowing light to come inside. The walls on the outside are white and the roof are covered with brown tiles. It is a small house compared to others, but it feels cozy and warm.

I could not help but comment on the beauty of the place. “Woah, this is your house?” My question is answered by a nod from Lilith. “Yes, this is it. Now, please follow me. You will be safe here,” She walked to the front entrance of the house, opening the door.

The interior was clean, and it looked as though it ‘d always been kept that way. Not a single speck of dust was found anywhere. There were several chairs placed on the ground, giving off warmth and inviting atmosphere. And there was even a fireplace for cooking! “This place is amazing!” I exclaimed, taking a seat.

Lilith laughed, “Well, it is not as nice as the mansion, but it is better than most places out there. So, how about a hot cup of tea, while we talk about our plans for the future?”

“Sure, why not,” I replied while I patiently sat on my chair as my heart began to beat with hope for my future, knowing for sure that the lady who saved me is a good person after all. As few minutes passed, listening to the peaceful cold air from the outside, Lilith emerged out of the kitchen with two cups of tea in each hand. One of them is white, and the other is black. “So, you must be thirsty. Here are the drinks.”

“Thanks,” I grabbed the glass of red liquid as it has a strong smell of fruit. It tasted strange as well, and it was bitter. Lilith then took a sip of her own drink before continuing, “I am glad that you are feeling much better now that you have a new home.”

“Yes, thanks to you,” I replied as I put down the mug on the table. “What is your name Mrs…?”

“Please call me Lilith,” She said happily as she continued, “It is a pleasure to meet you,” staring at the boy with an uncomfortable gaze to the point of causing me to look away. “It is a pleasure to meet you too,” I quickly added, “I am Adam, by the way,” smiling to ease the uncomfortable atmosphere surrounding them.

She nodded with a smile on her face. “So, Adam, tell me about yourself?”

What can I tell her? I do not have anything else interesting to share other than being some lost child who was raised by an abused fat bastard before my former home was burnt to ashes.

“Well, um… let us see…”

Lilith interrupted my thought process, “I know it is hard for someone like you to say this, but it is okay. You do not need to be shy about it. We are family here. Just be honest, and everything will be fine,” she assured with a warm, caring expression.

Relieved to hear coming from her mouth, I spoke with honesty “I..was raised by my abusive father after the death of my mother who gave birth to someone like me. He blamed me for all his problems and sometimes physically attacked me when I did something wrong. When the cabin got burnt down from the accident I did, my life became once more hollow until you rescued and saved me from my doom.”

My breathing became heavy and harsh from spilling the truth as a single tear fell down from the corner of my eyes. My mind flashed back the memories of the past that still haunt me even now. The memory of that day, the night of the fire, the moment that my father’s last words of shouting at me for his death, I could not stop crying as it all came rushing to my head.


“Oh no, oh no! Are you allright Adam?”

Lilith’s voice suddenly called out to me as I felt a gentle touch on my face, her warm hands caressing the skin of my cheek. Her soft fingers gently rubbing against my cold cheeks as a comforting warmth spread throughout the rest of my body.

“It is okay,” she whispered, “You are safe now,” she kissed on my forehead, wiping the tears that rolled down my cheeks. I felt the feelings of relief and happiness wash over me as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of feeling loved and comforted for the very first time in my entire life.

She then let go, losing the feeling of being loved and comfortable in my arms, leaving me in a cold state of confusion and despair. Lilith then took a seat beside me with another chair and looked at me with concern in her beautiful red eyes as I stared at her with a blank expression on my face.

“I never experienced love from anyone or my father, no one comforted me or held me in their arms since I was young. Even though there were people that tried, it was not the same. They did not care about me. Only cared for themselves,” I said as I buried my head deeper in her chest while trying hard not to show how much it hurt to remember.

She gently rubbed my head, stroking it softly as the scent of rose filled the air and calmed the storm inside of me. “Do not worry,” she cooed, “You are free from all your pain and suffering within my arms,” she smiled, “Now we are family, so do not be afraid to cry,” she leaned in close to whisper in my ear before kissing it lightly.

I could not hold my sadness anymore, the final revelation of someone caring about me after all this time, it brought about a flood of emotions that overwhelmed me and broke down all of the walls that kept it locked away.

The tears flowed freely as the pain and sorrow washed away like water, “can..can you be my mother,” my voice trembled with embarrassment as I cried, “Please…?”

“Of course, Adam.” She replied. “We will start our new life together, just us two. We shall grow old and watch the world change around us, just as it did for everyone else. I will be the best mother you ever had, I promise.”

She stood up, carrying me like a baby as she stared at me with a loving smile on her lips. “Come, come with me Adam honey,” she carried me to a small room with a bed in the middle, a table and a few chairs. “This is our bedroom,” she placed me on the bed.

She sat next to me, caressing my hair as the warmth of the blankets enveloped me and wrapped around me. “Just sleep for a while,” she sighed as the moonlight shined through the window. “Everything will be alright in a bit,” she kissed me on the cheek, smiling brightly.

My eyes landed on my new mother, looking at her with a display of gratitude and joy in starting a new family. But I still had a question in the back of my mind, something that still bothered me when she saved my life and brought me here.

“Mo..mother,why did you save me?” My voice quivered with fear and uncertainty as I looked around the place., unsure of her reaction. She then chuckled as she sat beside the bed, sitting down. “I guess it is because of love, Adam. You remind of someone a long time ago. Someone that meant a lot to me, that is why I wanted to keep you safe.”

I furrowed my brows as I took a deep breath, “But…but who is this someone?” I squinted my eyes, “Why do I look so similar to this person you mention? Why am I so special to you, mommy?”

Lilith laughed, dropping herself down on the bed as she hugged me tightly from behind my back as she continued to stroke my head. “You are a crucial person to me,” she said as she leaned over and whispered to me, my hairs stood up on end as the air in the room chilled. “However,” the room then returned to normal, “when the time comes Adam honey, I will reveal your past to you and let you know that it is all for a reason,” she smiled warmly, kissing my forehead. “Sleep now,” she patted my head,

“I am sure you need it after all that happened today…”

She went back to the door, closing the lights as she slowly opened before taking a glance at me, creepily smiling at me as the sound of a lock turning echoed throughout the silent hallway. I tried to move but could not as the feeling of being restrained and being held captive came over me as the cold chill ran all over my skin as my instincts screamed not to do anything rash, only to lay on the bed and sleep for tomorrow.

My thoughts circled around in my head as I coldly at the ceiling, wondering if this was all a nightmare or dream he was having. Perhaps this was all just dream I am having right now, I could still be back in that accursed home of mine, sleeping as my shitty father drank away his life and left me to be his slave.

Whatever the case, all of this thinking is getting me tired and sleepy. No matter what happens, it is better just to close my eyes and forget about it. Yes, he should just ignore it and go to sleep. Sleeping will help relieve the pain and the sadness, as well as the anger.

As the thought crossed my mind, a sudden flash of light filled the bedroom, startling me as the bright light was coming from the door, it was slightly open but I could see an eye belonging to no other than Lilith herself, coldly staring at me like a hawk.

The moment we locked eyes at each other, the door shut in a loud bang as the echoing stomps of moving down the stairs reverberated across the house.

Was she…watching me while I tried to sleep? It was really creepy and strange to think that someone could be watching me while I slept. Although weird, I-i do not think she meant any malicious ill toward this act? She could be just an overprotective mother, she is…just an overprotective mother…


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