Timeline of events by Chronicles of Mann | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

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Preface 20,000 BSU - 15,001 BSU 15,000 BSU - 10,001 BSU 10,000 BSU - 5,001 BSU 5,000 BSU - 1 BSU 0 ASU- 999 ASU 1,000 ASU- 1,999 ASU 2,000 ASU - 2,499 ASU 2,500 ASU - 2,999 ASU 3,000 ASU - 3,999 ASU 4,000 ASU - 4,999 ASU 5,000 ASU - 5,999 ASU 6,000 ASU - 6,249 ASU 6,250 ASU - 6,499 ASU 6,500 ASU - 6,599 ASU 6,600 ASU - 6,699 ASU 6,700 ASU - 6,799 ASU 6,800 ASU - 6,899 ASU 6,900 ASU - 6,999 ASU 7,000 ASU - 7,049 ASU 7,050 ASU - 7,099 ASU 7,100 ASU - 7,149 ASU 7,200 ASU - 7,299 ASU 7,300 ASU - 7,349 ASU 7,350 ASU - 7,399 ASU 7,400 ASU - 7,499 ASU 7,500 ASU - 7,699 ASU 7,700 ASU - 7,799 ASU 7,800 ASU - 7,849 ASU 7,850 ASU - 7,899 ASU 7,900 ASU - 7,949 ASU 7,950 ASU - 7,999 ASU 8,000 ASU - 8,099 ASU 8,100 ASU - 8,199 ASU 8,200 ASU - 8,299 ASU 8,300 ASU - 8,399 ASU 8,400 ASU - 8,499 ASU 8,500 ASU - 8,599 ASU 8,600 ASU - 8,699 ASU 8,700 ASU - 8,799 ASU 8,800 ASU - 8,899 ASU 9,000 ASU - 9,099 ASU 9,100 ASU - 9,109 ASU 9,120 SU - 9,129 ASU 9,130 SU - 9,139 ASU 9,140 SU - 9,149 ASU 9,150 SU - 9,159 ASU 9,160 ASU - 9,169 ASU 9,170 SU - 9,179 ASU 9,180 ASU - 9,189 ASU 9,190 ASU - 9,199 ASU 9,200 ASU - 9,209 ASU 9,210 ASU - 9,219 ASU 9,220 ASU - 9,229 ASU 9,230 ASU - 9,239 ASU 9,240 ASU - 9,249 ASU 9,250 ASU - 9,259 ASU 9,260 ASU - 9,269 ASU 9,270 ASU - 9,279 ASU 9,280 ASU - 9,289 ASU 9,290 ASU - 9,299 ASU 9,300 ASU 9,301 ASU 9,302 ASU 9,303 ASU 9,304 ASU 9,305 ASU - Month One 9,305 ASU - Month Two 9,305 ASU - Month Three 9,305 ASU - Month Four 9,305 ASU - Month Five 9,305 ASU - Month Six 9,305 ASU - Month Seven 9,305 ASU - Month Eight 9,305 ASU - Month Nine 9,305 ASU - Month Ten 9,305 ASU - Month Eleven 9,305 ASU - Month Twelve 9,305 ASU - Month Thirteen 9,306 ASU 9,307 ASU 9,308 ASU 9,309 ASU 9,310 ASU - 9,399 ASU Out-Dated Times.

In the world of Chronicles of Mann

Visit Chronicles of Mann

Ongoing 2724 Words

8,800 ASU - 8,899 ASU

6046 0 0

8,890 ASU
Furse raiders attack the northern edges of Eriu Space.
The small moon of Eo is attacked by Furse raiders.
Month One
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,891 ASU
Furse raiders setup several bases in northern Eriu from where they can launch further attacks.
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,892 ASU
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8,893 ASU
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8,894 ASU
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Month Twelve
8,895 ASU
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Month Twelve
8,896 ASU
Birth of Beowulf ‘Snake in the Eye’ Lynch Aegis. Son of King Rothgar ‘The Lost King’ Ring Aegis and Cass Nightstar.
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8,897 ASU
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8,898 ASU
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Month Twelve
8,899 ASU
King Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Law Aegis grows old and many systems cede from her realm.
Last Sighting of the Skoll in the Old Ruins.
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve


8,880 ASU
Month One
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Month Twelve
8,881 ASU
King Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Law Aegis although seen as a good king is also seen as a week king. Her son watches as her realm slowly grows weaker and weaker.
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Month Twelve
8,882 ASU
Month One
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Month Twelve
8,883 ASU
King Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Law Aegis creates 14 great lords of her kingdom.
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Month Twelve
8,884 ASU
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Month Twelve
8,885 ASU
King Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Law Aegis travels to the Dragon’s Head Nebula where she defeats the forces of the Kingdom of Umbria and slays it’s king and heir.
Month One
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,886 ASU
Furse Age
A Holy Fabian Shrine on the world of Gategard in the New Holm System of the Holderness Sector is sacked by Furse raiders and pirates.
Month One
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,887 ASU
King Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Law Aegis installs Ester Dawn, a grand niece of the mother of King Auda ‘The Black Fathom’ Smith Aegis as sub-king of the Kingdom of Umbria.
Month One
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,888 ASU
King Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Law Aegis returns to Furse Space. His vassal king of the Kingdom of Umbria rules for a long time before being the son of the prince reclaimed his grandfathers throne.
Eo a Fabian Faith Holy site in the north of the Dragon’s Head Nebula in western Kaledone Space is raided.
The small moon of Eo is attacked by Furse raiders.
A small Furse fleet attacks the Fabian Faith holy site of Jarrow. They meet heavy fighting and many of the Furse are killed including their leaders.
The Furse raiders escape Jarrow but are hunted down and killed by local forces in the Holderness System.
This becomes one of the last raids in the south of the Dragon’s Head Nebula for close to 80 years although Furse raids continue elsewhere. Kaledon and Eriu remain under Furse attacks.
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Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,889 ASU
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8,870 ASU
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8,873 ASU
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Month Twelve
8,874 ASU
King Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Law Aegis grants the rule of the Kingdom of Hearth to his cousin Theowin ‘The Stong’ Law Aegis.
King Gisking of the Kingdom of Daxhom weds the daughter of King Redmane of the Kingdom of Warrick.
Three Furse Starships arrive at Hallowmere in the Kingdom of Daxholm. There is a dispute and a port master and several others are killed before the three starships depart.
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,875 ASU
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Month Twelve
8,876 ASU
King XXXXX Redmane prepares the defenses of the Kingdom of King’s Gate.
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,877 ASU
King Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Law Aegis makes Theowin ‘The Stong’ Law Aegis, his cousin, Sector-lord of Hearth.
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8,878 ASU
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8,879 ASU
King Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Law Aegis gives Mildred her Shield-maiden lordship over the Highmark Sector. 
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8,860 ASU
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Month Twelve
8,861 ASU
King Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Law Aegis rises up in rebellion against High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis.
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8,862 ASU
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8,865 ASU
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8,866 ASU
High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis agrees to face King Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Law Aegis in battle. Afraid that he will never die or worse, of th Willow Sickness, leads his forces in battle.
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Month Twelve
8,867 ASU
Battle of 
High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis although blind, fights in the battle with Techno-Axe in each hand.
1,666 warships are destroyed in the battle.
15 kings and great lords are killed in the battle.
High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis is killed in battle with King Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Law Aegis. Some claim by the arm of Richard ‘One-Eye’ Aegis himself.
Death of High King Lewin ‘Wartooth Law Aegis.
King Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Law Aegis gives the order to stop fighting when news reaches him of the fall of High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis she calls a stop to the fighting.
Month One
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,868 ASU
The death of High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis marks the end of a life that had lasted for more then 200 years. The first recorded non Techno-Mage to reach to live pass the year 200 in the Settled Worlds.
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,869 ASU
King Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Law Aegis is crowned High King and retains control over the Kingdom of the Wanes and the Fist Nebula. 
The kings of Highpass, Drala, Bothina, and the Furse Holds regain their Independence.
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve

8,850 ASU
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8,830 ASU
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8,831 ASU
High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis returns home from the Dragon’s Head Nebula.
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Month Twelve
8,832 ASU
High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis He appoints lords and returns to Furse.
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,833 ASU
High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis rules all the worlds that his grandfather and father  had once ruled and conquered.
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Month Seven
Month Eight
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Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,834 ASU
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Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,835 ASU
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,836 ASU
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Month Twelve
8,837 ASU
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Month Twelve
8,838 ASU
Birth of Laryn Worth Aegis. Daughter of XXXXX Worth Aegis.
Month One
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,839 ASU
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8,820 ASU
Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Aegis finishes her term of service in the Imperial Guard.
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Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,821 ASU
Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Aegis is married to XXXXX.
Month One
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Month Seven
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Month Nine
Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,822 ASU
High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis launches a quick campaign in the Furse Holds before he leaves to raid worlds in Drala.
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Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,823 ASU
Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Aegis is crowned as the new Lord of the Wanes under his uncle High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis.
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Month Seven
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Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,824 ASU
Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Aegis defends against raiding forces from the Bolgar of Barta and Taara.
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,825 ASU
High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis launches raids against the Dragon’s Head Nebula. Most are minor.
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,826 ASU
Sector-lord Roderick II Aegis is killed while raiding in the Dragon’s Head Nebula.
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Month Twelve
8,827 ASU
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8,810 ASU
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8,811 ASU
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8,815 ASU
Yolonda ‘The Ring-Giver’ Aegis enters the Imperial Guard.
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8,816 ASU
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8,817 ASU
High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis is able to defeat a series of kings but most of the Kingdoms of Bothina.
Most of the Kingdoms of Bothina remain free of High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis.
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,818 ASU
High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis is crowned as High King of the Empire. Restoring much of his fathers realm.
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,819 ASU
Roderick II Aegis is crowned king of the wanes. A Sub-King to his brother High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis.
Month One
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Month Four
Month Five
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Month Seven
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Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve

8,800 ASU
High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis defeats The Cold King, Manor King, Rogue King, and The Wight King.  All are killed.
The heir of the kings of the kings are created System-lords.
Furse Raids begin to target the western borders of the Kingdom of the Salians. For the next 20 years Furse make small raids on the Salians.
Month One
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Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,801 ASU
Furse settlers begin to settle worlds in Sambat of Bolgar Space.
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Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,802 ASU
High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis defeats the High King of Upp.
The High King of Upp submits to High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis after the battle. The High King is killed and replaced by his heir.
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Month Twelve
8,803 ASU
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8,804 ASU
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8,805 ASU
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Month Twelve
8,806 ASU
High King Lewin ‘Wartooth’ Law Aegis launches a campaign against the Kingdoms of Bothina.
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Month Twelve
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8,808 ASU
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Month Six
Month Seven
Month Eight
Month Nine
Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve
8,809 ASU
Month One
Month Two
Month Three
Month Four
Month Five
Month Six
Month Seven
Month Eight
Month Nine
Month Ten
Month Eleven
Month Twelve


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